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Q: Imagine that you have a sore throat. The doctor says it is a bacterial infection. Why would you conclude that it is not caused by Archaebacteria?
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Since sodium chloride is salt, I can't imagine what it would do for an earache, since in most cases an earache is caused by a bacterial infection. I could see using salt water to flush out your ear canal, but since the infection would likely be behind the eardrum, it could hardly do much good for an earache even if salt could kill bacteria.

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Well, honey is a natural inhibitor of bacteria , but I imagine the yeast will bloom if the conditions are right. Maple syrup has the sugars , but not the ant-bacterial propeties of honey, and will brown better.

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Here are all the Nintendo ds imagine games in order from most popular to least: Imagine Artist Imagine Wildlife Keeper Imagine Interior designer Imagine Make up artist Imagine Family Doctor Imagine Teacher Imagine Figure Skater Imagine Babyz Imagine Babysitters Imagine Fashion Designer Imagine Ballet Star Imagine Master Chef Imagine Movie Star Imagine Fashion Desginer New York Imagine Rock Star My Secret World By Imagine Imagine Wedding Designer Imagine Boutique Owner Imagine Ice Champions Imagine cheerlearder Imagine Music Fest Imagine Animal Doctor

What are all the imagine ds games?

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How do you write imagine in Hindi?

imagine that---> socho imagine! --> kalpana