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Q: Imagine you are a peasant during the Middle Ages what would be most important to your daily life?
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What was peasant life like for women back in the middle ages?

Women held positions of wife,mother,peasant and nun during the Middle Ages.

What were the causes and consequences of the peasant rebellions during the late middle ages?


What were womens lives like during the middle ages?

Women held positions of wife,mother,peasant and nun during the Middle Ages.

What items did a peasant need during the middle ages to become a merchant?

A peasant didn't become a merchant. People didn't change positions or life styles like people today. Born a peasant stayed a peasant. It was very simple everyone knew their place.

What were the different levels of society during the middle ages and how were they determined?

King, Clergy, Nobles, Knights, Bourgeois, Peasant, Serf, Slaves

What was the essence of life for peasants in 1788?

In 1788 there were no peasants since it is 200 years after the middle ages. __ There were peasants in Europe after the Middle Ages. LOTS of peasants. Russia had a large peasant population up to the Revolution. As did virtually every country in Europe. China also had a large peasant population. The Middle Ages had NOTHING to do with the end of peasant life. Peasant life would have been hard. Difficult work, no education and little opportunity to leave the land. It would not have been very different than the life of a peasant during the Medieval period.

Why was religion important during the middle ages?

Because religion was so important during the Middle Ages, most people owned Bibles.

Did many people die during the peasant revolt?

yes many people died during the peasant revolt

Why were pilgrimages important during the middle ages?

i cant

How did humanism affect peasant people during the middle ages?

Humanistic philosophy or thinking is not found in the middle ages. It comes about during the Renaissance when the movement of NeoPlatonic thought/art took place. The discovery of the works and thinking of the ancient Greeks led to the movement.

What was the most important spice during the middle ages?

The most important spice during the Middle Ages was black pepper. It was a very valuable commodity in the European spice trade.

Why was Christianity important to people during the Middle Ages?

i guess