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Ability to be flexible and work hard.

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Q: Immigrants who settled in cities frequently prospered because of their?
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Immigrants who settled in cities frequently prospered becauseof their?

close proximity to jobs and low cost housing/ necessities.

Following the Civil War you were immigrants settled in the South because?

Immigrants settled in the south because of low investment in railroads. This happen during and after the Civil War.

Why few immigrants settled in the South?

They settled in the New England region because of all the factories.

Where did Russians immigrants settle?

they settled there because they felt like it ok

Immigrants who settled in cities got valuable?

Immigrants who settled in the cities got valuable information from other immigrants of the same ethnicity. They often settled in groups together.

Why did the few immigrants settle in the South?

They settled in the New England region because of all the factories.

What two cities in Canada that many Asian immigrants had settled in?

Many Asian immigrants settled in Vancouver and Toronto.

Immigrants are good for the US because?

LEGAL immigrants are good for the US because our nation was founded by immigrants, settled by immigrants, and is what it is today because of the hard work of (mostly) law-abidingimmigrants. Young immigrants work and pay into the social security system, thereby funding the dwindling accounts of the aging population.

Immigrants who settled in cities got valuable what?

Immigrants who settled in cities got a lot of valuable things. Fast communication is one valuable thing that immigrants got.

Why did immigrant sttle in cities?

In general, immigrants settled in the cities because work was available along with housing.

Who settled Vita Manitoba?

Vita was settled by Ukranian immigrants in the late 1890s as Szewczenko.

How did German and Irish immigrants differ in where they settled?

Many German immigrants were Lutherans who immigrated to Australia to escape the persecution. Thanks to wealthy Scottish businessman and chairman of the South Australian Company, George Fife Angas, a deal was struck by Pastor August Kavel to start a new Lutheran settlement in South Australia. Later, in many cases, the German immigrants settled in areas which, by their landscape, reminded them of their homeland.