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the central nervous system.

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Q: Impairment occurs when alcohol causes disorganization in what?
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How does mixing alcohol and any type of pills cause death as in how does it effect the body in a way that causes you to die?

Usually death occurs because of hypoxia - this is when the lungs are not taking in enough air to properly oxygenate the body. Certain drugs with the addition of alcohol will depress the breathing center in the brain so much that this occurs, and the level at which it can occurs varies with different people.

Causes of alcoholism?

Alcoholism is influenced by genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors that have an impact on how it affects your body and behavior. The process of becoming addicted to alcohol occurs gradually, although some people have an abnormal response to alcohol from the time they start drinking.

What a 8 percent impairment rating mean?

You are probably referring to .08% alcohol in the blood stream, since at 8% you would have been dead long before. In any case, in Canada at least, .08% blood alcohol is the amount considered to cause serious impairment in the operation of a motor vehicle. This amount or above will usually result in a "driving under the influence" (DUI) charge. Many other countries have even lower limits, with a few allowing no alcohol at all while driving (this is true in some parts of Canada for beginning drivers). The figure itself means that 8/10,000'ths of your blood consists of ethyl alcohol. At .20% most people will become unconscious; at .40% death from alcohol poisoning occurs.

How many alcoholic drinks to impaired?

The number of drinks consumed before impairment occurs depends on many factors. These include the time period during which time the drinks are consumed, the drinker's gender. the drinker's size, the drinker's body mass index, and the drinker's experience with drinking alcohol.

What occurs when an applied force causes rock to break?

Mechanical weathering occurs when an applied force causes rock to break.

What occurs when milk and rubbing alcohol mix?

curdled milk

What types of fermentation occurs in bacteria and yeast?

Alcohol fermentation.

What is goodwill impairment?

Answer - Goodwill impairment occurs when the value of the goodwill of a business unit declines to an amount less than the carrying value of the goodwill on the company's books. With the adoption of SFAS 142 by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), audited companies are now required to test goodwill annually for impairment. This testing is done by valuing the business unit having the goodwill.

When faults shift what occurs?

That causes earthquakes

What reaction occurs when rubbing alcohol is placed on the arm?

The cooling effect of alcohol on the skin is the result of?

How does neurological disorganization occur?

.occurs in three different ways: the brain does not receive messages due to a disconnection in the neuron cells; sensory messages are received inconsistently; or sensory messages are received consistently, but do not connect properly.

How do you get alcohol byproducts out of your system?

This occurs naturally without any effort.