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Emperor having total control over the lives of the CChinese

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the emperor having total control over the lives of the Chinese.

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Q: Imperial china was based upon legalism and the absolute power of the emperor?
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Imperial China was based upon legalism?

the emperor having total control over the lives of the Chinese.

Who Which Chinese emperor based his rule on the ideas of legalism?

Qin Shihuagdi based his rule off of legalism. Yay

This emperor based his rule on the ideas of Legalism?

The emperor who based his rule on Legalism was Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China. He used Legalist principles to centralize power, enforce strict laws, and control his subjects through fear and punishment. His reign was characterized by authoritarian rule and stringent laws to maintain control over his empire.

What emperor based his rule on the ideas of Legalism?

Qin Shihuangdi

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Emperor in Japan is considered a ceremonial head of a country known as a constitutional monarchy. Empire of Japan was abolished in 1947. Succession in Japan is based on the eldest male child getting the throne in most cases. Female members of the imperial family are excluded from succession.

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Because Imperial Units are based on ten

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Yes, the Han Dynasty agreed with Confucianism.

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The sacred book of Legalism is known as the "Book of Lord Shang" or "Shang Jun Shu" in Chinese. It is attributed to the philosopher Shang Yang and outlines the principles and methods of governance based on strict laws, harsh punishments, and centralized authority.

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