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Q: Importance of chemistry in food production?
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What is the importance of chemistry in industry?

By safety production of food.

What is the importance of chemistry in Biotechnology?

Molecular science is from chemistry only. Knowing of molecules,bonding nature ,properties of molecules are essential to understand and apply biotechnology.

What is the role or important of chemistry to food production?

Food production involve chemical reactions.

Contribution of chemistry to food production?


What are the contributions of chemistry to food production?


Give importance of chemistry to human society?

Keep food good. :)))

Importance of food production?

Food production is important for survival. People cannot live without food. The species would die out of food was no longer produced.

What is the rule of food production of chemistry to the society and industry?

bot gane uh!

What are some of the important applications of chemistry in food production?

batteries, medicine, gasoline

What is the importance of chemistry in our lives?

Chemistry is a part of Physics. It's the study of electrons and how they move. Although it is more complicated than that, that is the basis on which the subject revolves around. Chemistry is basically the study of what makes up everything which results in biology.

Define chemistry and describe its importance?

chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of matter atoms and principles . the importance of chemistry is given as under. the importance of chemistry is that chemistry helps us to understand the nature of our environment and about ourselves.

What is the importance of chemistry to other fields of science?

Chemistry plays an important role in various scientific fields. In biology, chemistry helps in understanding cell metabolism. In law, it aids in forensics and DNA testing, and in medicine, it helps in the production of curative drugs.