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For the same reasons any other group, religion or tribe kill.

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Q: Improved question if Islam is a religion of peace and understanding why do Muslims kill Muslims?
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Related questions

What religion has Muslims?

Muslims are followers of Islam religion. Refer to question below.

What is the religion for Muslims?

Islam religion. Refer to question below for details.

What religion are Afghanians?

The Afghan people follow the religion of Islam, which makes them Muslims. Thank you for your question.

Who is a leader of the Islam religion?

There are many Islamic leaders who well recognized by Muslims as Religion knowing and understanding. There is no single person as for Catholics or Orthodox.

Are Muslims really humans?

Muslims are people that are adherents to a religion, namely, Islam. The question shows a fundamental misunderstanding of comparative societies.

Is Islam a religion or philosopy?

Islam is a religion. The followers of Islam religion are called Muslims. Around 23% of world population are Muslims. Refer to the related question, listed below, for more information on Islam main principles.

What is the religion worshiped by Muslims?

Islam is the religion worshiped by Muslims

Why do Muslims eat feces?

Muslims do not eat feces. ______________________________________________________ I wonder of this question. Does the one asking this question know of any human of any other religion is eating feces? If no, why he considers Muslims are eating feces and just asking about the reason?!!

What religion is important to Muslims?

Muslims are practitioners of the religion called "Islam".

How are Muslims the same AND Different?

The same and different from what? From some other religion perhaps? Please rephrase your question, clarifying this point. For example, we don't know what is the religion of the person who asked the question.

Where are Muslims popular?

Because their religion is the true religion and they want non-Muslims to realise that their religion is not right, and the Muslims want them to convert and have a better life

How many Muslims in the US Senate?

The question smacks of discrimination and religion is not a factor when running for office, so there is no answer.