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Q: In “Return of the Jedi”, what did Darth Vader die from?
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Did The Emperor Die In Return Of The Jedi?

Yes, The Emperor died in Return of the Jedi when he was thrown down a reactor shaft by Darth Vader.

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Darth Vader killed him.

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He is fighting with Darth Vader and then lowers his light saber, allowing Vader to kill him. He does this because he realises he will be more useful to Luke as a 'ghost' being, like the Jedi can become when they die. He learned how to do this from his old master Qui-Gon Jinn.

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After Order 66, Swan attended a Jedi meeting that turned out to be a trap set up by one of the Jedi to lure Darth Vader there and kill him. Vader took the bait and turned up but was far more dangerous than any of the Jedi were prepared for and killed most of them. Bultar will stabbed and killed by a panicking Jedi who wanted her lightsaber after losing his blade to Vader to cortosis armour - the trap-making Jedi wore this lightsabre-proof armour which Vader used to his advantage. The comic 'Purge' tells this story.

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He died in Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. He was electrocuting Luke Skywalker to death and Darth Vader, now rekindled to his former self, sacrificed himself to save his son by picking up Sidious and throwing him into a power generator

Can you buy Darth Vader?

yes, you can but you might die

What episode did Darth Vader die ib?

Episode VIII

How did youngling sors bandeam die?

well i am the person who played him and you most likely dont believe me but i was brutally murdered by darth vader in the jedi temple when the emperor ordered execute order 66

Does Anakin Skywalker turns into a bad guy and then turns to a good guy or he is just a bad guy?

Anakin Skywalker is good in the first two movies Episodes I and II but becomes evil in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and becomes the "bad guy" (or evil) Darth Vader at the end of the movie. This is because his body is nearly destroyed in lava forcing him to create a robot like body for himself because he will die if h doesn't have it. In the original trilogy Anakin is still Darth Vader, who is a apprentice to the Sith lord. In the last installment of the original triolgy Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, again in the end of the movie Darth Vader/Anakin kills his master the Sith lord while protecting his "good" son Luke Skywalker, thus making him a "good guy" at the end of the whole six movies.

How did shake tee die from Star Wars?

If you mean Jedi Master Shaak Ti, 3 years before "A New Hope," she was found by Darth Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller (originally named Galen Marek). She was mortally wounded in the battle and after saying something that got into Starkiller's head, she flew herself into a dark abyss and disappeared (like the Emperor in "Return of the Jedi").

Does obi-wan kenobi die?

Yes, but he didn't really die. If you watch the 4th movie (A New Hope) carefully, you'll see that his robe is empty (Vader steps on it). This is because, rather than letting himself be killed by Vader, Obi-Wan surrendered himself to the Force and vanished, a bit like how Yoda vanished when he died in the 6th movie (Return of the Jedi). That's also how Kenobi was able to reappear as a Force spirit throughout the movies.

Did Darth Vader die in episode VI?

At the end of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke had defeated Darth Vader, but didn't seem to injure him terribly, the only real damage was a severed prosthetic hand. So it had to have been the lightning he was exposed to when he picked the emperor up to throw him into the abyss.We are meant to believe that he did die, but there is room for debate, maybe Luke got him on life support inside the shuttle and the burning suit was merely burning his old evil self now that he has seen the light, it's up to Lucasfilms to decide in future episodes.