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Q: In 1543 what was Spain's second colony in latin America It was ruled by spanish viceroy?
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Who is the viceroy of England?

No one. England does not have a Viceroy. A viceroy rules a country, colony or city on behalf of the monarch

Who was the most powerful spanish leader in the colonies?

I think it's a viceroy because a viceroy is a man who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign. A governor is a person who rules that country or place so I think it's a viceroy. Hope I helped!

What is the tiltle of a colony ruler?

The ruler of a colony might well be a VICEROY.

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Before it was a colony, it was an unsettled buffer between British America and Spanish America. In 1733, it became its own colony.

Was Mexico a colony territory or mandate of another country before independence?

Before its independence, Mexico was considered an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown. This means that it was treated as another Spanish province, and was ruled by a Viceroy, appointed by the Spanish Monarch.

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Conquered the Aztecs and founded a colony for the Spanish Crown in 1521.

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What was the job of a viceroy?

A Viceroy is a royal official who is in charge of running a particular country, colony or state in the name of and as a representative of the Monarch. The province in which they are in charge of is called a 'Viceroyalty'. The female form of a Viceroy is entitled a 'Vicereine'.

What is the last Spanish colony in the America and is a common wealth of the US?

Puerto Rico.

Was England the first country to set up a colony in America?

No. The first colonies in America were set up by the Spanish.

What is New Spain Called today?

The colonial Mexico of Spain was known as New Spain or the Viceroyalty of New Spain. The colony was ruled by the Spanish King and he appointed a viceroy, or very high minister, to assist in the running of the colony.

Goals of the spanish in america?

Conquer it, and take it as a colony, with all its gold and precious metals