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Q: In 1690 who stated that a government can only be run by the people?
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When asked to define the essentials of strong government confucius stated that the only true essential is that?

People have faith in their rulers

What is a government with 5 people?

A government formed only of five people is an example of an oligarchy. This form of government occurs when only a few people govern the rest.

One of the principles stated in the declaration of independence is that government should?

Be based upon the consent of the governed. Consent of the governed refers to the principal that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is only justified and legal when derived from the people.

How does limited government work?

The government can only do as much as the people allow them to do

What is a mertiocracy?

I is when people only choose rich people into the government.

What is mertiocracy?

I is when people only choose rich people into the government.

What did the founding fathers believe about the role of the government and speciffically the role of the president?

According to John Adams the role of government is to help the common good of the people. He states, " the happiness of the people is the purpose of government and should serve the largest number and the true idea of a republic is an empire of laws and not men." Washington stated that the " virtue or morality is necessary Spring of popular government and human rights can only be assured among virtuous people." Franklin added to this idea by saying that " only virtuous people are capable of freedom."

What is the difference between TYPE of government and the SYSTEM of government?

The difference between the type of government and the system of government is the way in which they act for the people. There are only two forms of government, those that are controlled by the people and those that control the people.

How did the Social Contract influence the Declaration of Independence?

The Government shall only do the stuffs that will be good for its people and the people will choose the government and if government is not doing right, people have the right to throw the government.

How did darious improved the Persian government?

It was by putting people who were only specialized with government jobs

What form of government only a few people rule?

An oligarchy is a form of government in which few people hold power.

What were the main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

The main points in the Declaration of Independence are that rights and freedoms were something innate in every person born and that those rights were equal among all men. A government does not have the power to bestow rights on individuals because they could take them away at will. Also importance of a government that only serves the people; run by the people.