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Q: In 1713 did Great Britain took over Newfoundland?
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When did the British take over Newfoundland?

since 1713,it has been tacken over by Britain .

When did Britain gain permental control over acadia?

Acadia was a French colony in a region now known as Canada. The area wittnessed numerous fights and agreements between Briatin and France over the rule of territory. The area was governed by Britain from 1604 to 1713.

What is the size of California compared to Great Britain?

California is just over the size of Great Britain.

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Britain took over Nigeria around 1901.

The dispute over the Oregon boundary was between the US and what?

Great Britain

What country took over Nova Scotia in 1713?

The British

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How does Texas compare in size to Great Britain?

Texas is a little over 3 times the size of Great Britain. It is 268,820 square miles whereas Great Britain is 88,745 square miles.

What four countries have flown their flags over Michigan?

Spain Great Britain France United States

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Does Great Britain have any art?

Great Britain has a wealth of art on display in Museums, Galleries and Public Locations all over the Island.

What was the result of Great Britain's strong trade hold over India from the mid-1700s to the mid-1800s?

India became a colony of Great Britain.