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Around 2 million but this number is debatable. Also you can account several hunderd thousand more of Europen intelligence, and POW's to this amount.

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Q: In 1943 how many Jews were killed in death camps?
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Where were the jews sent to be killed?

They were generally sent to Poland to the death camps.

What were the effects of death camps?

The death camps were where over 6 million Jews and others that Hitler deemed "racially inferior" were killed.

What did Nazi's do to Jews in the camps?

they took the Jews to the death camp and took them to the gas chambers and the gas killed them all

Where did the Jew's get murdered?

the Jews were killed at death camps mainly in Poland and Germany by the Nazis

Where were the Jews killed?

Typically in any pogrom or genocide against the Jews, the Jews were killed in close proximity to where they lived, usually in the same town. The Holocaust was relatively unique in that Jews were first confined to ghettos and then shipped across the empire to concentration camps, labor camps, and death camps. Most of the outright-killing and gassing occurred at the death camps. However, abuse from guards, starvation, and disease killed many in the ghettos, concentration camps, and the labor camps.

What types of concentration camps did Jews go to?

Jews were generally sent to extermination camps. Many were killed on arrival, others were worked to death. Very few survived.

What are the impacts Hitler had from 1943 to 1945?

He increased his killing capacity of Jews by converting several concentration camps into death camps. At their peak killing capacity, all the death camps combined were killing an estimated 30,000-40,000 Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, etc., each day.

What did the Jewish death camps keep the Jews from doing?

The death camps kept the Jews from living!

Where did hitler kill all jews?

At death camps, most of them were killed at Auchwitz and some others were just killed on the spot with guns

How long were the Jews held captive in camps?

The majority were killed shortly after arrival; the others were worked to death.

How were jews killed in the camps?


Why did Jews die at camps?

They were killed.