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Moon Rocks. and samples from the moon

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Q: In 1969 what was brought back from the moon?
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What did man do on the moon in 1969?

It was a quick visit to the moon, samples of moon rocks were collected, photographs were taken, and brought back to Earth.

What did they bring back with them?

They brought back moon rocks from the moon.

What did they call that the astronauts brought back from the moon?

Astronauts only brought rocks back from the moon. No bugs.

Were there blood particles on the rocks that NASA's astronauts brought back from the moon?

No, there were no blood particles on the rocks brought back from the Moon.

What did they call the bug that astronauts brought back from the moon?

Astronauts only brought rocks back from the moon. No bugs.

What info did apollo11 bring back?

They brought back moon rocks as well as moon dust.

What did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin bring back from the moon?

They brought back samples of moon sand and moon rocks.

What were some things Niel brought back to earth from the moon?

Moon Rocks

What rocks did the astronauts find on the moon?

They brought back moon rocks to earth.

What did Neil Armstrong and his crew bring back from the moon?

They brought moon rocks and photographs from the moon.

How many kilos of rock were brought back from the Moon?

In total, 381.7 kg of rock was brought back to the Earth from the moon during the Apollo missions, which were the only missions ever to land men on the moon.

Did Niel bring back anything from the moon?

Yes I studied him for a school project. He brought back moon rocks.