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Grades have nothing to do with intellect for most intelligent students. They are usually just shows of effort. In our school there are some insanely intelligent people who are failing math because they are two lazy to do homework. If you're in sixth grade, try taking a test to see. Our school gives a test out to every student entering middle school that isn't based on what you know of facts, but how smart you are like an IQ test would be.

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Q: In 6th grade what does your average have to be to be considered smart?
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Cs and Bs are pretty average

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You want to know what an average 6th grade height is? Everyone is different but usually 6th graders are from 4'8" to 5'4"... I was 5 feet in 6th grade and I was always average when it came to hieght. I hope this helped. :-)

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80-110 pounds

Does the 6Th grade science final exam is easy?

IF you are smart and know everything the teacher tells you then yes it will be easy :I

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The average age for 6th graders in the U.S. is 11 or 12. It is the sixth school year after kindergarten, which usually begins around age 5. It is considered the first year of middle school.

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ask a 6th grade teacher or a 7th grader im only in 5th grade im mixed with 6th graders hope this helps x]

What grade do you learn pre algebra?

There's a big range. Depending on what school you go to (or will be going to) it can go from 5th grade to 8th grade. I had a little bit of pre algebra when I was in 5th grade, and if you're really smart you can qualify for a test to see if you can take pre algebra in 6th grade. It just depends on how smart you are really. *please note that even if you are smart enough to qualify it still depends on your countys policy

What do 6th grade boys like about a girl?

well when i was in 6th grade i liked their looks- that is a very imature answer. Looks are important, but think if she is smart friendly, doesnt matter about popularity, and make sure that she is a good person

What grade is rising 6th grade?

6th grade

How do you get a guy to like a girl to make her happy in 6th grade?

Being a 6th grade boy I can answer this pretty well I like girls who have great personalities ex: nice funny smart Looks are extra but you NEED good hygiene