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Q: In 799 AD Pope Leo III was kicked out of power by Roman Nobles who restored him to power?
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What was the relationship between the king and the nobles?

Generally, throughout history, the king depended on the nobles, and the nobles depended on the king. Nevertheless, there was always a struggle going on as to who had what power and authority. In some countries, the king was definitely stronger, and the central government was strong. In others, such as the Holy Roman Empire, the central government was very weak, and the emperor had little power to command. The situation changed with time. In France, the power of the king gradually increased, but in the Holy Roman Empire, it did not. In much of Europe, both king and nobles lost some measure of power to the middle class as time passed. The ideal king was a person who understood the nobles, their strengths and weakness, and also what they wanted, and was able to work with them.

Russian nobles who held great power in Russia?

The tzar's were nobles up until 1917 that held the power in Russia.

How Greek nobles gained power?

The Greek nobles gained powers by wining in wars.

Why were nobles able to seize control from Greek nobles?

the tyrants were able to seize power from the nobles because they had the help and support of the Greek farmers, merchants, and the artisans.

What happened to the roman republic?

When Brutus killed Julius Caesar, the Roman Republic dissolved into a civil war. Octavius became Emperor, and restored order. Some features of the republic lasted for a number of years, but the Emperors continued to gain power.

Did the serfs had power on someone?

No, the nobles had power over the serfs and the king had power over everyone

What were signs of power nobles had?

Their clothes, their houses, and their pride.

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He was less oppressive than previous rulers. He created a centralized government, and he tried to incorporate traditional Chinese ideas into his government. He reduced the role of the nobles.

Asystem where kings nobles and knights had land power?


What were some goals of the Napoleonic code?

To limit the power of the nobles

How did Charlemagne strengthen Royal Power?

Limited the authority of nobles