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Q: In American government's federal framework sovereignty (that is supreme and independent political authority) is what?
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Why did the framers of the Constitution provide that the President and Congress be elected while federal judges are appointed?

it provided the framework for popular sovereignty

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No, you do no need to. 2.0 and 4.0 are independent versions.

What is the highest authority of the nation and is responsible for giving us a framework for the government?

Constitution and the Parliament

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Yes. no .net is not platform independent is supports on OS .... as is need clr for Linux to support it but till now .net platform is not independent ...

Would America be different if it had no written constitution?

All governments have some form of framework. If they don’t it is chaos.

What is a similarity of the Constitution and the declaration of independence?

The Declaration declares that the colonies are independent from the king. The constitution is the framework of government.

A basic premise of both the National incident Management System NIMS and the National Response Framework is that?

Incidents should be managed at the lowest jurisdictional level possible. The basic premise of federalism is that two or more governments share power and authority over the same land and people. Hope this helps!

Difference between legal and political sovereignty?

here are, many differences that distinguish political sovereignty from legal sovereignty. The author A.V. Dicey argued that legal sovereignty resided in parliament and political sovereignty rested with the electorate, because the electorate chooses parliamentary representatives. Political sovereignty is defined in terms of unlimited political power, while legal sovereignty is defined in terms of absolute legal authority. Legal sovereignty is to do with supreme power over decision making on certain political issues, whereas legal sovereignty is to do with supreme power with legal issues. Legal sovereignty is paramount control of the constitution and frame of government and its administration. It describes a self-sufficient source of political power, from which all specific political powers are derived. Political sovereignty also describes the international independence of a state, combined with the right and power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign dictation. Legal sovereignty supplies the empowered body with the power to do everything in a state without accountability, to make laws, to execute and to apply them, to impose and collect taxes and levy contributions, to make war or peace, to form treaties of alliance or of commerce with foreign nations. In legal theory, sovereignty is the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order. Legal sovereignty is the power to control parliament and have supreme legal control. Legal sovereignty provides absolute power over the judiciary and is located in parliament (with the Queen), as it can make and unmake laws, and cannot bind the hands of it's successors. Political sovereignty is the supreme control of political issues at home and abroad. When legal sovereignty is exercised, the beholder has the power to control the political structure of the country that they govern and the international political scene projected by their country. Political sovereignty can be gained by a large majority win at election time as the majority of the population favours this shows that the individual voted in. Political sovereignty differs from legal sovereignty in that it does not provide the power to control government. It also does not provide the beholder paramount control over the constitution and it's framework

What authority should a supervisor use as a guide for the legal framework for labor relations?

a. Federal Service Labor Management Relations Statute