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Appomattox Court House in Virginia. This event is considered the effective end of the American Civil War. General Robert E. Lee's surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant marked a significant moment in American history.

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Q: In April 1865 Confederate forces surrendered to Union forces at?
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Why would Buford deploy his force against a force such as that approaching seminary ridge?

Buford knew that holding the high ground at Seminary Ridge would provide a strategic advantage in the battle. By deploying his forces there, Buford hoped to delay the Confederate advance and buy time for reinforcements to arrive and strengthen the Union position. Additionally, by engaging the Confederate forces early, Buford sought to gather intelligence on their strength and intentions.

Which side had the larger fighting force?

The Union side had a larger fighting force than the Confederate side during the American Civil War. The Union had more soldiers, resources, and industrial capacity, which contributed to their eventual victory.

What in the 1980s a nuclear reactor exploded and burned near which town?

In the 1980s, a nuclear reactor exploded and burned near the town of Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, now located in Ukraine. The Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986, is considered one of the worst nuclear accidents in history.

Can you transfer from one state to another with the same union?

In most cases, if you are moving to a different state but staying within the same union, you may be able to transfer your membership. You would need to contact your union representative or the union office for guidance on the transfer process and any specific requirements. Keep in mind that eligibility for transfer may vary depending on the union's rules and regulations.

How much do Chicago union heat and frost insulators make an hour?

The hourly wage for Chicago union heat and frost insulators varies depending on experience, certifications, and union agreements. On average, they can make around $25-$40 per hour.

Related questions

What confederate capitol city surrendered to union forces April 2 1865?

Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America. Richmond was captured by the Union forces on April 2, 1865.

Who surrendered the Confederate Army to the Union forces at Appomattox?

General Robert Edward Lee.

When did Richmond fall to union forces and the Confederate army?

April 14, 1865

What were the us civil war?

The US Civil War was fought between Union forces (Northern States) and Confederate forces (Southern States) from April 1861 to April 1865, ending in a Union victory and Confederate surrender.

What Confederate general surrendered to General William T Sherman in Atlanta in September 1864?

No Confederate General surrendered the City of Atlanta to Sherman's Union forces. The Confederate forces under Hood evacuated the city in September 1864. General Sherman in turn evacuated the city after burning it in November of that year, returning it to Confederate control.

What date did confederate surrender to union?

Lee surrendered his sword and his Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House on Apr. 9,1865. Joseph Johnston surrendered his Army at Raleigh NC, on Apr. 18,1865. Richard Taylor surrendered the Confederate forces operating in Alabama and Mississippi on May 4, 1865. Kirby Smith surrendered the Confederate forces of Trans-Mississippi on May 26, 1865.

Where did the north surrender?

The Confederate South (R.E.Lee) surrendered to the Union North (U.S.Grant) at Appomattox Courthouse April , 9 , 1865 .

What is an incorrect description of the battle of manassas?

the union forces defeated the confederate forces

What effect did the union victory at Vicksburg have on the confederate garrison at?

They surrendered

On April 9 1865 lee surrendered to grant at?

Robert E Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S Grant at Appomattox on 9 April 1865. This event was not the actual end of the war but, since the Army of Northern Virginia was the last effective Confederate force, the surrender of smaller Confederate forces and garrisons was inevitable after Lee's surrender.

Was Robert E. Lee a union or a confederate?

he was general of confederate forces during the civil war

He is the confederate general who surrendered to the union in 1865?

All but 1 or 2 did that.