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Q: In Athens the male citizens took part in the world and first direct democracy by?
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The government in ancient Athens was an example of this form of government?

The government in ancient Athens was an example of democracy. The Athenian government was the first democratic form of government recorded.

What Greek city was the home of the first direct democracy?

Athens was known for its system of direct democracy.

Which was first the first example of direct democracy?

Greeks, most notably Athens; though only males citizens could participate.

Which society was the first to practice direct democracy?

ancient athens

When did Athens have the first direct democracy?

500 B.B.

Was ancient Greece a direct or representative democracy?

First of all, we should note that only Athens and a few other city-states were ever democracies. The vast majority of Ancient Greece was ruled by monarchies or oligarchies and not by elections. However, in Athenian democracy, all of the citizens voted on policies, which made Athens a direct democracy.

Where did democracy come from?

Direct democracy is a democracy without representation, it was first practiced in ancient Athens.

Birthplace of democracy?

Athens, Greece is often credited as the birthplace of democracy. It is where the concept of direct democracy, with citizens actively participating in decision-making processes, originated in the 5th century BC.

What society was first to practice direct democracy?

Ancient Athens

What kind of government did the citizens of Athens Greece live under?

Athens, Greece was one of the birthplaces of democracy. Athenian democracy was a direct democracy in which every citizen voted directly on issues of importance, rather than electing representatives to vote for them.

How did development of democracy in Athens affect the lived of ordinary citizens?

For the first time, ordinary citizens could participate directly in government.

What were the earliest forms of democracy?

The first known example of democracy was in Ancient Athens, where they had a direct democracy where instead of electing representatives the people represented themselves.