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The Bible doesn't say - perhaps the authors hadn't thought of it - traditionally, the answer is he married one of his sisters.

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Q: In Bible where seth got wife?
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Who was seth's wife?

The Egyptian Seth's wife was named Nephthys.

Who was Seth's wife in the Bible?

Adam and Eve had sons and daughters (Genesis ch.5). Cain's wife (Genesis ch.4) must have been his own sister, for lack of choice (Rashi commentary, Leviticus 20:17); but his brother Seth, who was born later, most likely married one of his nieces (a daughter of Cain).

Who was the 5fth man on the earth?

The Bible does not name the 5th man. In order, the Bible mentions the following men: The first was Adam. His sons were Cain & Abel. Cain's wife gives birth to a son, Enoch. Then Adam and his wife conceive Seth. Then the Bible lineage continues through Seth. This would make Seth the fifth one. But the Bible mentions that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters, so we don't know for sure. For a good summary of the Book of Genesis, see attached link.

What is the origin of the name Seth?

In the Bible, Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve.

What did seth do in The Bible?

Seth was the son of Adam and Eve, "in the place of Abel, because Cain killed him". Seth then fathered Enosh and lived to be 912 years old. Seth is only mentioned in the Bible at Genesis 4:25-5:8.

Does Seth Green have a girlfriend?

No, he has a wife.

Who was isis's brothers and sisTers?

She is sister-wife of Osiris. Seth is also her brother. Nephthys is the sister-wife of Seth, and the sister of Isis.

Where was seth mentioned in the bible?

Seth is mentioned about 8 times in the bible, mostly in Genesis. Seth was the son of Adam and Eve mentioned in Gen. 4:25-26, 5:3-8 and Luke 3:38.

What are some details relating to the death of Chris Benoit?

He hung His son then put a bible next to him then the wife got hung by Benoit then a bible got put next to her then he hung himself

Who is Seth Green's wife?

Seth Green is married to Clare Johnson, an actress and model from Memphis, Tennessee.

Who is Seth mother in the bible?

Eve Genesis 4:25

Has adam got a penis?

Adam was the father of several children, three sons are named as Cain, Abel, and Seth and the Bible states that Adam and his wife Eve had many more sons and daughters. When God created Adam he created him fully male with the objective to have children with Eve and start to populate the earth.