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Bobby Witting

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Q: In Britain what is the only venomous snake?
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What is the most venomous snake in England?

the most venomous snake in England is the Adder also known as the common viper

What is Great Britain's only poisonous snake called?

The only venomous snake native to the UK is the Adder (Vipera berus).

What is Britain's only poisonous snake?

The Adder is Britain's only poisonous snake :-) there have been no other recorded snakes in BritainBrittains only venomous snake - is the Adder. See the related link for a picture.The European Adder (Vipera berus).Adder

What is your most venomous snake in the UK?

The only venomous snake native to the UK is the Adder.

Does all snake has poison?

Technically, no snake is poisonous. However, some snakes are venomous. Only about 1 out of every 4 species of snake is venomous.

What is the name of the yellow venomous snake that lives on an island alone in the ocean?

It is a yellow, venomous snake. It is the only species of snake which lives on an island. I don't know the name of the island. I don't know which state the island is close to. All I know is that it is yellow, it is the only species of snake on that island, and it is very venomous (deadly venomous). What is the name of the species of snake on that island?

What species is the largest venomous snake?

The species is the second longest venomous snake in the world, exceeded in length only by the king cobra.

What is a brown snake with pin black stripes?

That is the typical colouration of the European Adder. A venomous snake found in Great Britain and Western Europe.

What are the names of 3 snakes native to Great Britain?

In England we have two native species of snake: the Adder, which is mildly venomous, and the Grass Snake, which is non-venomous. It's very unlikely that you would see either, without specifically looking for them, and even then, they are not easy to locate. We also have the 'Blind Worm', which looks very much like a snake, but is actually a legless lizard and totally harmless.

Whats the only venomous snake in the UK?

Black Adder

Are a ring snake's bites venomous?

Only to amphibians and rodents.

Is the garter snake venomous or non venomous?

They are not venomous.