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Q: In Buddhism what is it called to reach enlightenment?
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The goal of Buddhism is to reach?

The Goal of Buddhism is to reach "enlightenment".

What is reached in Buddhism?

The main goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment, or nirvana. You can reach Nirvana by learning and understanding the Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold path.

How do Buddhism and nirvana link together?

The goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment (nirvana) so its one of the main reasons for being.

What religion emphasized meditation and self discipline as the way to reach nirvana?

Buddhism emphasizes meditation and self-discipline as the means to reach nirvana. Practicing mindfulness, mental concentration, and following the Eightfold Path are key components in the path to achieving enlightenment in Buddhism.

What was the religion of the Enlightenment?


What religion believe in enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a concept mostly associated with Buddhism and Hinduism. In Buddhism, enlightenment is called nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be a state of peace and unity with the cosmos. Hinduism also uses the concept of nirvana, called moksha, considering it a representation of freedom from desire and other worldly passions. Enlightenment is also part of the conclusion to the Hindu cycle of reincarnation.

Why is the Buhdi important in Buddhism?

I think you question really is "why is Bodhiimportant in Buddhism". Bodhi is the word for enlightenment in Pali and Sanskrit. Bodhi is the goal of Buddhism. To reach that state in which we can see clearly and understand the universe, our place in it and how it all is interconnected is a Buddhist's goal.

Hinduism and Buddhism agree that a person life on earth?

Hinduism and Buddhism agree that a person life on earth is

What is it called when a Hindu reaches enlightenment?

You are probably thinking of NIRVANA (also called NIBBANA in Buddhism). IT is Gnanam Moksha

Who are the followers of Buddhism?

The BuddhaAnswer:The processes in Buddhism are not so much the following of anyone as the effort to find one's own way. The Buddha is an example to us, he however is not necessary as we could reach the same goals of enlightenment by following the Eightfold Path on our own.

What is a synonym for enlightenment in Buddhism?

There is no synonym for enlightenment of Buddhism in English language. However, it can be described as the highest happiness or end of all suffering.

What is a person on the brink of enlightenment who has chosen to help others reach nirvana is called?

That person is called a bodhisattva.