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yes, sometimes one on each cheek

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Q: In Chile is it there custom to give someone a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye?
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Can you a sentence with the word cheek?

She planted a gentle kiss on his cheek before saying goodbye.

How do you give a goodbye kiss?

Well you could say goodbye and just give him a little kiss on the cheek u could lean forward and then kiss him on the cheek

What does it mean when a guy kisses you goodbye?

Well duh! It means he really likes you! If he only kisses you on the cheek for a goodbye then it means he's not interested, but if he kisses you on the cheek on your first date its means he doesn't want to take it too fast, which is a good thing!

Has Pat Sajak ever gave Vanna White a big juicy kiss on the cheek?

Yes in 1989 after he kisses Vanna to say goodbye to her a few days later he visited and asked for her gum and then later gave it back to her after they goodbye the audience he kissed her on the cheek.

Do people kiss to greet each other in Spain?

For the most part yes (at least from my experience/to my knowledge). One kiss on each cheek is is a common way to greet someone and also done when saying goodbye.

What does it mean if a Leo guy friend that I just know for a couple of months kissed me on my cheek when we met and said goodbye?

he like you

What do you call the side of someone face?

cheek, profile

What does it mean after you have been passionately kissing a guy and he ends it with a kiss on the cheek mean?

It means nothing much. It could be a goodbye sign or something.

What cheek do you kiss first when you greet someone?

left right

How do you pinch someone cheeks?

you grab their cheek and squeez tightly.

Is it against the law to kiss a minor?

It actually depends on the situation. If its kiss to the cheek as you meet someone of leave them (hello - goodbye) these are normally acceptable - If the kiss is deemed to be led by passion, sexually orientated then its an offence. The rule is dont do it especially if the parent of the minor is not present to supervise

On TV's The Howdy Doody Show what character's only words Goodbye kids were saved for the final show?

Clarabelle the clown=== uttered the only words he ever would on screen. As a tear rolled down his cheek, he said simply, "Goodbye kids