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It doesn't matter because you can have another one. And the death of a child in China is a time of great joy, because it means that you can go through the pleasure of unprotected sex all over again! :D

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Q: In China you can have a child what happens if it dies?
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Nothing (\ _ /) (='.'=) (")_(")

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What if the one child allowed in China is murdered or dies?

To my knowledge, China does not have an allowance in its one child policy for the replacement of children who die. Bear in mind that everybody dies eventually. Some die sooner than others. But that is a normal part of life. China, even with its one child policy, still has a growing population and is an overpopulated nation.

When the obligee dies and the only child is emancipated what happens to back child support owed?

Place a lien on his estate

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He dies. You go to jail for the rest of your life.

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The teen and the child will be taken by the adoption service.

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They end. The child may be entitled to Social Security benefits from the father.

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What happens if a second child is born in china and parents don't have enough money to pay child support?

A child is abandonded or killed

What happens to those individuals in China who have more than one child?
