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Q: In DNA extraction from a banana What substances do you think were left behind in the cheesecloth filter during the filtration step?
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Does a precipitate form when a banana ripens?

The answer is no. There are no substances in bananas, so there is no precipitation.

How do new substances form?

New substances are formed, when a chemical reaction has occurred.. for example a banana turning black.

Can bananas rot if they are in the refrigerator?

If a banana is kept in a fridge, the cold air causes substances called polyphenals to be produced. This causes the banana to turn black. See Related Links.

Can you still eat a banana if you draw on it with permanent marker?

If you drew on the banana skin recently, just peel it off but don't eat the banana. For safety reason, watch the pulp using a magnifying glass for any permanent marker sign. Afterwards, throw the banana away, even you didn't notice any sign of the permanent marker, which contains dangerous substances.

Why is banana rotting a chemical change?

It is a chemical change because there is a change in colour, the change is irreversible and a new substances is formed

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well first u banana then banana with a banana and banana the banana wont allow the banana to banana and so the banana goes home and bananas for a banana so wht if the banana doesnt banana he bananas for a banana how do you banana?you dont banana you just banana you little banana

Is a banana a banana?

No, it is a banana

Example of single user computer type?

banana banana banana banana banana

What is the different between a curve banana and a straight banana?

A curved banana is a gay banana and a straight banana is not a gay banana.

Should carrefour adopt wal mart's strategy of low prices everyday?

Banana is called banana wat banana banana means banana. there is no other banana y no banana bcoz banana is only banana

What is banana in Serbian?

Banana is banana, fruit.

Who is banana and why banana no like squid?

banana is yum yum and squid eat banana