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Her name was Queen Pasiphae

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Q: In Greek Mythology Who was the wife of Minos that fell in love with a bull?
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Where is the tree from which the apple fell on Newton's head located?

in mythology

How was the famous Minotaur born?

Before he became king of Crete, Minos struggled with his brothers for power. He prayed to Poseidon to send a snow white bull as a sign of the god's approval. Poseidon did this, but demanded that the bull be sacrificed after Minos became king. Minos, however, was a greedy man, and the bull so beautiful and perfect that he kept it for himself. As punishment, Aphrodite made Minos' wife, Pasiphae, fall madly in love with the bull, to the point that she had Daedelus make a hollow cow form for her so that she could be inside and copulate with the bull. The horrific result of his union was the minotaur, which she named Asterion. The minotaur was nursed by pasiphae until he grew too monstrous, at which point he began to feast on human flesh, since nothing else would sate his monstrous appetite.

Does mythology appear in modern life?

The physical characters aren't real, but we get many expressions and words from mythology. EXAMPLES:-We get the word Echo from Greek Mythology, who was a woman that was cursed so that she could only repeat the last words people said.-We get narcissistic from Narcissus, a man in Greek Mythology, who all women fell in love with. When he bent down to drink from a pool, he saw his reflection and wouldn't leave the pool, mesmerized by his beautiful reflection. The gods took pity on him and turned him into a flower which is also named after him.-We get Thursday from Thor, the god of lightning in Norse(Viking) Mythology.(Thorsday. See the similarity?)-We get the phrase Achilles's Heel from the man in Greek Mythology who his mother dipped him in the River Styx as a baby, making him invincible everywhere but his heel, where his mother held him by. He was later shot in his heel in battle and killed. The phrase we get this from means something you're not good at. EX: I get all A's in English, but Math is my Achilles's Heel.I would add that since what we consider mythology was once a religion, it's altogether possible that in a few thousand years, humans would look back on OUR religion as mythology.

Which side won the First Battle of Bull Run?

The Union fell apart and Soldiers ran North.

Who was Europe named after?

The word ' Europe' comes from the ancient Greek mythological figure, Europa.The Greek god Zeus fell in love with, or at least took a fancy to, Europa, a Phoenician noblewoman in this version, and hid among Europa's father's cattle, disguised as a very gentle and hugely attractive white bull.The story goes that Europa, while gathering flowers in her dad's cow paddocks, spotted the bull (Zeus), which spat a crocus at her. Naturally, she climbed onto his back, whereupon he charged off into the Mediterranean and swam to Crete, a large Greek island, which is still there today.On Crete, Zeus explained to the girl that he was really king of the Gods and not a bull at all, and made her Queen Europa the First of Crete. Queen Europa gave birth to three sons by Zeus.There are other ancient legends about Europa, and naturally there are debates about all versions of her tale. Homer wrote that she was, in legend, a queen of Crete.Eventually, the term Europa was used to describe part of northern Greece and much later - before 500 BC - Europa had come to mean other lands further north of Greece in the continent we now know as Europe.Terms originating from the word 'Europa' are used by major non-English-speaking countries to describe the continent of Europe.The actual origin of the word 'Europa' before it was used as the name of the lady of the legend is not at all clear. Ancient Greek, Indo-European, Arabic, and Hebrew, are among suggestions offered, but since our knowledge of where those languages originated is extremely limited, there really is no way to tell where the word originally came from and to whom, or what, it referred.Incidentally, legend goes that Minos, King of Crete and one of Europa's sons by Zeus, asked his uncle, the god Poseidon, to send him a pure white bull to show he, Minos, was well-liked by the gods; Minos promised to sacrifice the bull as a thank-you when it arrived, but the bull was so beautiful he kept it as a pet instead.This insult infuriated one of Poseidon's girlfriends, the goddess Aphrodite, and she caused Minos' wife. Pasiphaë, to fall in love with the bull. Pasiphaë had a wooden cow made and hiding in this, enticed the bull to consummate their love. The result was the Minotaur, half-man, half-bull and all-horrible. When the baby Minotaur became too fierce for Pasiphaë to breastfeed the King ordered built a huge maze - called the Cretan Labyrinth - outside his palace, and confined the Minotaur there, where, alone and without its mother's milk, it ate people instead.So, the family was connected with cattle in more than one way.Both stories, that of Europa as well as that of her grandson-in-law, the Minotaur, are interesting and worth looking up.

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In Greek Mythology Europa was a beautiful maiden with whom Zeus fell in love with. He took up the form of a bull and approached her from the sea. Europa was seduced by Zeus, and he carried her off to become his wife

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Greek inventor Daedalus escaped the labyrinth of Minos by carving wax wings for himself and his son, Icarus. They flew out of the labyrinth using them. Despite the warnings of his father, Icarus flew too high and his wax wings melted by the heat of sun. Daedalus was able to escape but Icarus fell to his death.

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In a way. Not in the actual name from it was drivived from the name. Ariana is an English variant of Arianna, which is is the Italian form form of it's original name - Ariadne. It is a greek name in mythology - It means "most holy". In Greek mythology, Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos. She fell in love with Theseus and helped him to escape the Labyrinth and the Minotaur, but was later abandoned by him. Eventually she married the god Dionysus. So it kind of makes her a goddess, or at least a demi-goddess

Was Narcissus a god in Greek mythology?

No, he wasn't. He was a very vain, handsome youth who fell in love with himself.

What did the Greeks have to do with Roman mythology?

The Greeks did not really have anything to do with it. What happened was that the Romans fell in love with Greek culture and incorporated it. Same the thing with the Greek mythology. The Romans just took it and adapted it to the gods they already had.

From what mythology does the word narcissistic come from?

From Greek mythology. It's from the story of Echo and Narcissus; Narcissus was a handsome young man that fell in love with his own reflection.

Who was the legendary queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas and killed herself when he left in greek mythology?

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