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Q: In Hindu also known as kandarpa?
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Hindu temples are also known by what other name?

Hindu temples are also known as a Mandiram. This name however is only usually used in South East Asia, and primarily India. They tend to be called Hindu temples in the west.

Which Hindu goddess is also known as Kali?

Kalaratri and Kalika

What is the Hindu special building?

special Hindu building you are talking about is called Temple. Also known as mandir sometimes.

What are some names that Hindu Kush can be known as?

Hindu Kush is also known as Hindukush or Hindu Koh in Persian and Pashto languages, meaning "Kills the Hindu." It is sometimes referred to as Hindu Parbat or Hindu Raj in local languages, meaning "Hindu Mountain" or "Hindu Rule."

What Hindu god knows as destroyer?

people of Hindu Religion recognise Lord Shiva as the destroyer. He is also known as lord of power.

Was Gandhi Jewish?

No. His religious afiliation is Hindu. He actually is known for advocating Muslim civil rights (and others).

Who is Hindu god of funeral?

Hindu God of death is Yama. I am not sure if there is one for funeral.

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They are known as Hindu-Arabic numerals

How many heads are possessed by a Gandaberunda?

The Gandaberunda (also known as the Berunda) is a two-headed mythological bird of Hindu mythology.

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What is kadukkan?

It is known as earrings for Hindu men. It been used by the men according to Hindu Scripture/Shastras.