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One. As long as your horse is three years old, and has horseshoes, a saddle, and a bridle, it can compete in competitions

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Q: In Howrse how many horses do you need to participate in a competition?
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Related questions

How many horse can you have Howrse?

There is no limit to the amount of horses you can have on howrse.

How many nostrils do horses have on Howrse?

Its easy 2

How many horses can you have on Howrse?

You can have as many horses as you want on howrse. One player used to have over 21,000 horses but sold some so she now has 18,000.I have over 2000 horses.You can have as many horses as you want. Some players have over 10,000 horses. Most people on horse have under 1,000 horses.

How many horses are there on howrse?

as of February 5, 2011 there are 3813165 horses, but there are almost 6 million players, and horses are having foals still.

How many people can participate in a school competition?

Depends on how many people in that school!

How do you extend how many horses can be in your equestrain center on howrse?

Buy more boxes in the shop :)

How do you find how many living horses there are on howrse?

The number of living horses on Howrse changes day to day. You can find the number of live horses for the current day by going to Community > Directories. There you can see the number of live horses in the game. However, remember that the number changes every day.

How many horses on howrse can you bid on in one day?

As many as you like! There are no limits on buying or selling howrses!

Who owns a Russian Don Horse on Howrse?

Many, many people own Russian Don Horses.

How many living horses are there on howrse?

The number of living horses at any given time is displayed on the Directories page (under the "community" tab).

Is there a limit to how many passes you can get for sending horses to heaven on Howrse like if you have 10 horses over age 30 that you send to heaven you can get 10 passes?

I have never tried it, but i believe there is no limit. (there isn't a limit on howrse for anything except how many of ___ you can have in your inventory from the store.)

Can horses of the same parent breed on howrse?

Yes they can, it is called In-Breeding, although many players do like and do not breed In-Bred horses, Non-inbred horses are called NIB's.