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Q: In India due to the influence of retreating monsoon rainfall occurs where?
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Where retreating monsoon occurs rainfall?

The retreating rainfall monsoon occurs when the temperature on land is significantly warmer or cooler than the temperature of the ocean.

What is retreating monsoon?

The South-West monsoon becomes a weak current and withdraws from Punjab by mid-September. It leaves the Ganga delta by late October. By early November, it leaves the southern part of the peninsula. These particular months from September to November are termed as the period of 'retreating monsoon'. During this time, the days are hot, nights are cool and the daily range of temperature is high.

What is the difference between northeast monsoon and retreating monsoon?

The northeast monsoon occurs during the winter months in southeast Asia and brings dry weather to the region. In contrast, the retreating monsoon happens when the seasonal reversal of winds brings rain as it moves away from a region, usually occurring in fall as the monsoon season ends in that area.

What country's monsoon season accounts for 80 percent of it's rainfall?

India's monsoon season accounts for about 80 percent of the country's annual rainfall. The southwest monsoon, which occurs from June to September, is crucial for the country's agriculture and water resources. India's economy and livelihoods are heavily dependent on the success of the monsoon season.

When does the Chihuahuan Desert receive most of its rainfall?

Most of the rainfall of the Chihuahuan Desert falls during the monsoon which occurs from June 15 though September 30 with August usually the wettest month.

Are monsoon winds the strongest winds?

No. A monsoon has more to do with rain than with wind. A monsoon is a seasonal weather pattern found in some tropical areas in which most of the rainfall occurs in one season. Monsoon rains can be torrential, but are not necessarily accompanied by strong winds. The fastest winds on earth occur in tornadoes.

Why do we have 2 seasons in the Philippines?

The Philippines has two main seasons, wet and dry, due to its location near the equator. The wet season occurs during the southwest monsoon, bringing heavy rainfall from June to October. The dry season happens during the northeast monsoon, with less rainfall from November to May.

When is rainy season in kerala?

Monsoon weather in India isfrom mid June to end of August.

The dry season in the tropical monsoon climate occurs when?

The dry season in the tropical monsoon climate typically occurs in the winter months when the winds shift and bring dry air to the region. This season is characterized by low humidity and minimal rainfall, making it a stark contrast to the wet season.

which wind occurs in India?

indian monsoon

Differentiate southeast monsoon from northeast monsoon?

southest monsoon - or the wet monsoon. It is known in the Philippines as hanging habagat and northeast monsoon or dry monsoon . It is known in the Philippines as hanging amihan.

How monsoon occures?

The moonsoon occurs when there is change in the direction of the wind.