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Q: In Issac Asimov's Hallucination Why does Sam succeed in communicating with the life forms on energy planet?
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Is there another way of communicating then electromagnetic energy?

Yes. For example, if we talk, we use sound waves. Other ways of communicating are through electrical signals (currents that travel through cables); by sending letters, as well as a few other options.

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Energy can be efficiently saved by being less dependent on secondary sources for communicating and commuting. Use sun light and prefer to walk, it keeps you fit.

Will fusion always be the energy source of the future?

Answer 1Fusion may not always be considered the energy source of the future. Many researchers also look to solar power, wind energy, and more. Answer 2It could be when the researchers succeed to get control over its use.

What will happen if you have no energy?

The question must be clarified as to you actually having absolute 0 energy, no more energy for processes, or no energy in a piece of mass your observing. However if you personally have no energy you would die as your brain would no longer be able to function due to lack of oxygen as your muscles would no longer bring it oxygen or if your referring to absolute zero, their would no longer be an electrical signal communicating between your neurons.

Will an astronaut succeed if he tries burning a candle in the natural environment of the moon?

No, because there is no oxygen in the moon and candle needs heat energy too so if there is no ixygen the candle will not burn.

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To project negative thoughts and energy toward the ball so the receiver or players you want to jinx will fail to succeed in being victorious by scoring.

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I'm focus on the task that is assign too me. I communicate well with others Learning different software's complete all task in a timely manner

What are some of the most widely used diet plans?

Some of the most widely used diet plans include Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, The Atkin's Diet, and the South Beach Diet. All of these diets have different benefits and risk factors. Not all diets work well for all people. Some people succeed with low carbs and some succeed with low fat. But the general formula is always take in less energy than you put out!!

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the best thing to to is not to get incolved. If he or she hurt you or tou feel that you being put down, be less attached, stay positive but break up evenrually with that person because communicating with narcissits is hard task, it sucks your energy out and might leave you with low self esteem.

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you should hire me because i have more than two years experience on this field i will bring all my expertise and my energy to the team i strive to succeed in everything i do i think that makes me the best person for the job .