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She can challenge for custody, but the question that arises is why she do not already file a motion to modify while in possession of the child? Until a custody decision, she lacks any standing to object to the circumstances, and by the time it goes to court, the child may be a legal adult. At this point, it's a little late to take any action.

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Q: In NC If a child of 17 lives with noncustodial mother then says she is moving in with custodial father and he drops her off at a friends house to live can legal actions be taken by noncustodial mother?
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Can a noncustodial father get custodial rights to a child in Montana?

Custody of the child, or custodial rights to see the child? Either is possible, it just depends on whether you are willing to do the work. see links below

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noI'm in KCMO

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If the child is young enough to be subject to custodians, the only way a child can stay with a noncustodial parent beyond the requirements of the divorce or separation agreement is with the approval of the custodial patent.

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No. If you have been determined to be the child's biological father you and the mother will have equal parental rights if you remarry.

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That comes under child support enforcement, they will file a motion to enforce.

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Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

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no, that's custodial interference

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Child support is for the custodial parent.Be warned though that courts have ordered custodial fathers to pay when the mother make considerably less. This is most common in California.

Does child support increase if the father gets married?

No. (The answer is the same whether the father is the obligor/non-custodial parent or obligee/custodial parent.)

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