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Q: In Oregon after five years of marriage is spouse entitled to her husbands retirement pension?
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Do GTE employees have a pension?

As of my knowledge cutoff date in 1998, GTE employees had a pension plan. However, pension plans can change over time due to various factors, so it's best to check with the current company or plan administrator for the most up-to-date information on GTE employees' pension benefits.

Is your wife entilted to 50 percent of your pension if you are married for 11 years and then get divorced?

She is entitled to 50% of the portion of your Pension of the years you were married. For example, If you had a Pension fund for 7 years, prior to your marriage, then married for 11 years, she is entitled only to 50% of the portion of the Pension you acquired during the 11 years you were married, and not the 7 years of the Pension, prior to your marriage.

Are you entitled to receive benefits from your spouse's pension if he dies and you are legally separated?

The length of the marriage is what usually determines if a spouse or ex spouse is entitled to any pension benefits either private, SS or RRB.

How many years of marriage is your spouse entitled to your pension after divorce?

You must have been married 10 years.

Is your ex-wife entitled to your military pension?

Technically it's military "retirement pay," not a pension. Check this out for an example of the complexities (albeit in New York):

Is the first wife entitled to any her ex husbands pension.?

If it hasn't been dictated as part of the divorce settlement, then no.

How many years married before a spouse is entitled to pension in Ohio?

Not enough information is given in order to answer. Entitled to the spouse's pension under what circumstances? Death? Divorce? Sham marriage? Common-law marriage? Not only is more information needed, all pension benefits are going to be different depending on the type of pension it is (e.g.: union pension - private employer pension - government pension - military pension?) You should probably consult with legal counsel over this question as it can get quite complicated depending on the circumstances, just a few of which are enumerated above.

Is the husband's signature needed to draw money from the wife's retirement pension plan?

If it is a defined pension plan where you get a monthly amount no. But the spouse is entitled to half of it or more when the prinary person of the plan dies. Unless they signed offon the pension survivor benefits.

What is aged pension?

The aged pension is a social security benefit provided by the government to help eligible older individuals meet their basic needs in retirement. It is often based on factors such as age, income, assets, and residency status.

Your ex husband bought back his military time are you entitled to part of his pension?

No you are not entitled to it , as it is his pension.

Are you are you entitled to your ex husband military pension?

Can I reserve ex husband military retirement he remarried And was married 6 mounts and died I was married to him 20 years

Is a spouse entitled to half your retirement if you not been married ten years?

Every state will have different laws. Without more information this questions cannot be answered accurately.