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Yes. By following the rules and being nice to others you can avoid being reported. If you are following the rules and someone still reports you, don't worry. The Roblox moderators review all reports, so you won't get baned unless you are actually doing something wrong.

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Q: In ROBLOX can you avoid being reported?
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you get kicked off

Can you have girlfriends on Roblox?

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Who knows? ask him yourself! :P

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As a ROBLOX user you cannot fix site errors, all site errors should be reported to an admin.

What to after roblox reports you?

After a violation has been reported on Roblox, the only thing to do is wait for moderation. A moderator will review all chat history and determine disciplinary actions.

"Why does my Roblox account get hacked"?

Your Roblox account gets hacked because you don't have any antivirus softwares to protect your accounts. If you dress your avatar that includes robux, you eventually will get hacked. The best way to avoid being hacked is being alerted that hackers are coming and pick an outfit that has no robux. This is the only solution I can think of.

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Ive played ROBLOX for years it hasn't given me a virus but i normally avoid hackers i don't know if that helps

How do you get into a full server of roblox?

wait until someone logs off

How often is ROBLOX online?

ROBLOX is an alternate account used by the Roblox admins to publish and sell hats, gear, and places, so he is only online when new items are being uploaded. ROBLOX does not play games on Roblox.

How do you make a roblox?

U make a roblox with cheeze

Who are the group of exploiters on roblox?

There are actually multiple exploiter groups on Roblox, group names are usually not released because of the fear of being deleted by Roblox

Dose roblox have a bug?

No, as far as I know, Roblox does not have a bug. All bugs are reported and removed in the next update. Whenever the test server comes online, you can go there, and help find bugs in the game.