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It is a law made to control sex and procreating so they don't end up with an out of control population. It is also that way so they don't have people rebelling or have it get in the way of the society's productiveness (food production, jobs). They deal with romantic feelings by having them take a pill until they reach the House of the Old.

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4mo ago

In "The Giver," people are not allowed to have feelings for someone because strong emotions can lead to instability and conflict in the community. By restricting feelings, the society aims to create a more controlled and orderly environment where emotional turmoil and division are minimized.

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What does receiver in the book The Giver mean?

The receiver is the person who receives the feelings of the giver so that he knows what everything means.

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Can you give off feelings to someone?

You can share feelings with someone but not give off feelings to someone.

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Jonas attributes his new depth of feelings to the memories he received from the Giver, which allowed him to experience a range of emotions and experiences that were previously unknown to him. These memories opened his eyes to the complexity of human emotions and relationships, causing him to see the world in a different way.

Is The Giver science fiction?

The Giver is a dystopian novel. People chose to live in a society with no memories of a horrible past. Only the Giver had these memories. This is why they have no feelings when they take the lives of those that violate rules.

In The Giver what was Jonas allowed to do that he had not been allowed to do before?

In The Giver, Jonas was allowed to lie, which was something he had never been allowed to do before. This change in rules came after he learned the truth about the society he lived in and the practice of "Release."

In The Giver the family share what every night?

Their feelings for the day. Such as anger that lily has when someone cut at the playground and then the family resolved this question by discussing the reasons this may have occurred and they try to resolve the problem

What does feelings mean in The Giver?

In "The Giver," feelings refer to experiencing emotions and sensations such as joy, love, pain, fear, and sadness. These are shared with the Receiver of Memory to preserve humanity's history and wisdom. The community suppresses these feelings to maintain sameness and control.

What does families do each morning the giver?

In "The Giver," families typically engage in a morning ritual called "sharing of feelings." Each family member has the opportunity to talk about their dreams and feelings from the night before. This ritual helps the family bond and encourages open communication.

How is The Giver science fiction?

The Giver is a dystopian novel. People chose to live in a society with no memories of a horrible past. Only the Giver had these memories. This is why they have no feelings when they take the lives of those that violate rules.

When was Jonas honest in The Giver?

Jonas was honest when he decided to share his experiences and feelings with The Giver, breaking the rules of his community in order to seek advice and support. His honesty ultimately led to a deeper connection with The Giver and a stronger bond between them.