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Jem becomes very upset. He's angry and sad. He's angry because he wanted Tom Robinson to be found not guilty, or innocent. He's sad because it will take a while to get to the next court with the appeal.

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1mo ago

Jem is devastated and disillusioned by the unjust guilty verdict in Tom Robinson's trial. He struggles to understand how the jury could have reached such a decision despite the overwhelming evidence of Tom's innocence.

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9y ago

Like many others, Jem Finch wanted Tom Robinson to be found innocent because he knew that he was. When the verdict of guilty was given, Jem was angry about it.

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8y ago

Jem is crushed by the verdict.

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Q: In To Kill A Mockingbird what is Jem's reaction to the verdict?
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Is the verdict guilty in the 1962 movie To Kill a Mockingbird?

Yes, just as in the book.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the one member of the jury who delayed the verdict was one of the jurors who initially voted not guilty but later changed his vote to guilty. His hesitation and indecision were symbolic of the prejudice and injustice present in the case.

In To Kill a Mockingbird what do you learn about Tom based on his reaction to the loss of his wife?

Tom Robinson does not lose his wife in To Kill a Mockingbird. Helen Robinson outlives Tom.

The climax occurs when the jury gives it's verdict. How does jem react to the verdict?

Jem reacts with disappointment and shock to the jury's verdict in "To Kill a Mockingbird." He struggles to comprehend the injustice of the decision and is deeply affected by the prejudice and racism exhibited by the jury.

How long was the jury out in chapter 21 how To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the jury is out for a few hours before returning with their verdict in Chapter 21. This period of time creates a tense atmosphere as everyone waits to see the outcome of the trial.

What page is acquit on in To Kill a Mockingbird?

"Acquit" is not a word that appears in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. However, the theme of justice and racial inequality is prevalent throughout the novel.

What is the pageant in To Kill a Mockingbird?

its the hallowell pageant gem and scout went to where scout dressed up as a ham. Bob ewell attacks the children on their way home, breaking jems arm

What does the clock on the cover of To kill a mockingbird mean?

U mean the one in the knothole of the tree? The clock and other stuffs in the knothole were the gifts presented to Scout and Jems anonymously by Boo Radley.

Is Jem ashamed of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

No, Jem and Scout are ashamed of Atticus because he is 50 years old, which atticus is older than all the parents in Scouts and Jems Class

What are jems hopespersonality and feelings in to kill a mockingbird?

Jem's hopes in "To Kill a Mockingbird" are to find justice and fairness in society, especially when he witnesses the injustice of Tom Robinson's trial. His personality can be seen as mature, responsible, and protective of his sister, Scout. He feels frustrated and disillusioned by the racism and prejudice present in Maycomb.