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apt does not download source files by default, only binary packages. The packages are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives; the contents are installed in various directories, depending on purpose.

You can fetch the source for a package by using the command "apt-get source <packagename>." The source tarball will be downloaded to the current directory.

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Q: In Ubuntu when you install software using 'apt-get' where are the source code files on your hard drive?
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How do you install open source operating software?

Download your open source O/S (for example Linux ubuntu) and just install. Of course, you might be wanting a dual boot. In Ubuntu, you have a option of a dual boot aside windows. The instructions in the steps are useful and should be read very well.

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Ubuntu is an operating system and it is an open source software. This software could be installed on many devices including laptops, smartphones and tablets.

How do you compile Ubuntu?

Ubuntu comes precompiled. Although you could compile it from source, that would take days, and would be pretty silly. To compile programs on Ubuntu, first "sudo apt-get install build-essential", then run "./configure" and "make" in the directory where you have the source code.

What is open sourse?

Open source software is software that you are legally entitled to copy, reinstall, modify, and redistribute and is usually free to download from the software's website. the ubuntu operating system, open, and opensuse Linux are a few examples of open source software

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No. Ubuntu is an OS (operating system) which contains only open source code, which means that anyone anywhere is free to edit and distribute the software that comprises the Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu is distributed by the South African company, Canonical Ltd.

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VirtualBox can be found in most distro's repositories. For instancesudo apt-get install virtualbox-osewill install the open source version (without certain proprietary parts like USB support) on Ubuntu and Ubuntu based systems, Issuing the command without "sudo" in front will install it on Debian and Debian-based systems (except Ubuntu, unless you are running as root).You can also download a package from VirtualBox's website.

What is the default music player in Ubuntu10.10?

Rhythmbox is the default music player in Ubuntu 10.10. Ubuntu is classified as open source software that runs desktops, smart phones, and tablets.

How do you get the source code for Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is whole operating system, and thus is not composed of just source code. You probably want the source of the kernel, for which just type "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.x.xx" Replace x'es with kernel version you are interested in, typically version of your kernel. Type "uname -r" to find out, example result: 2.6.35-22-generic For which you should type "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.35" Or just install linux-source, which always contains the latest source code. I don't know where it will be installed, sorry :p For individual programs, look on their webpages.

Where can a person find an Unbuntu download online?

Ubuntu downloads are very common throughout the web. In order to find the Linux based OS, a simple search of Ubuntu will yield many results because it is an open source software.

How do you get roblox on ubuntu Linux?

You need to install Wine on your ubuntu computer, then install roblox for windows and it should work :D! by: RobloxianTash roblox account : TashHere I have another way:You need to get Wine, then Roblox4linux from here: "Source" from the list and download.Then go to the Terminal and type:make install *and the path to the .tar.gz file*Then you are done!If you got Ubuntu, in the page of roblox4linux, click Ubuntu, then go o the folder where you downloaded the .deb, double-click it and click on install package, and then you are done! (First of all, GET WINE)

What is the Ubuntu promise?

"Ubuntu is free. Always has been and always will be. From the operating system to security updates, storage to software. Ubuntu is fast to load, easy to use, available in most languages and accessible to all. Ubuntu applications are all free and open source - so you can share them with anyone you like, as often as you like. Ubuntu comes with full support and all kinds of services available worldwide."

Where can you download Ubuntu for free?

Ubuntu is an open-source OS, so it is absolutely free. You can download freely and install in different ways using a DVD or USB stick or just using it as a windows application on windows. Refer to the related links for more information.