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Q: In Washington can you have a license for a butterfly knife and be legal?
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Are balisongs legal in Washington?

Whether the question is asking about the State of Washington, or Washington, DC - the answer is the same for both. No, they are not legal. They fall under the classification of a 'gravity" or 'butterfly' knife which are unlawful.

Is it legal to have a butterfly knife in LA?

No, it is illegal to have a butterfly knife in Louisiana for any reason.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife in Iowa?

No, it is illegal to carry a butterfly knife in Iowa. Iowa law prohibits the carrying, display, or use of such knives.

Are butterfly knives legal in Florida?

As long as it is not concealed. If you wish to carry a butterfly knife concealed, you must have a Florida concealed weapons license or a concealed weapons license from a reciprocity state. Florida has very liberal knife laws, the only thing you can't carr period is a ballistic or self propelled knife. Per FS 790

Is it legal for a minor to carry a knife in MA And I am not differentiating between a Swiss Army knife or a switchblade just a knife in general.?

it is legal to carry a knife there but not switchblade or butterfly.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife in Minnesota?

No, it is illegal to carry a butterfly knife in Minnesota. It is classified as a dangerous weapon under Minnesota Statute 609.02, and possession of a butterfly knife is considered a misdemeanor offense.

Are butterfly knife legal in Mississippi?

Butterfly knives are legal to own in Mississippi. However, it is illegal to conceal carry a butterfly knife in the state. It is important to check local regulations and ordinances as laws can vary depending on the city or county.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife in Texas?

No. They are illegal to possess. A butterfly knife is considered a switchblade under Texas law. A switchblade is a prohibited weapon.

Are butterfly knives legal in Washington?

No they are still illegal in Washington

Can you carry a butterfly knife in Illinois?

Balisong knives, also called butterfly knives, are legal in Illinois.

Is it legal to carry a butterfly knife that has a four inch blade in SC?

No, it is illegal to carry a butterfly knife with a blade longer than two inches in South Carolina. Possessing a butterfly knife with a four-inch blade is considered a misdemeanor offense.

Are butterfly knives legal in the uk?

No! They are not. They are classed as an offensive weapon (a flick knife specifically) under the Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959. Under this act, it is illegal to import, sell or carry a flick knife or a knife that has a blade, hidden within the handle, released either by gravity or mechanical operation (ie: a butterfly, or a Balisong knife.) Therefore, butterfly knifes are not legal in the UK.