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Q: In What phase does micro tubules form the spindle?
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In what phase do spindle fibers form from the centrioles?

Spindle fibers are thin tubes that form between the centrioles during mitosis. True..

Is the first phase of mitosis in which chromosomes condense and spindle microtubules begin to form.?

the phase of mitosis when chromosimes are ligned in the middle of the cell

What exactly happens in phase 4?

There are many things that happen in phase 4 of Mitosis. In phase 4 of Mitosis, the prophase chromosomes separate into pairs. Spindle fibers begin to form.

Which cells would need a large number of mitochondria to function and survive?

They form asters in cell division.They also organize micro tubules in division.

During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes form?

The answer is PROPHASE. there are four phases in Mitosis: prophase, anaphase, metaphase, and telophase.

What phase of mitosis spindle fibers disappear and new nucleus form at each end?

The phase of mitosis that the nucleus forms is the prophase phase.

What organelles form the asters and the spindle fibers?

The centrioles in animal cells form the asters and the spindle fibers.

What is the spindle is form?


Do spindle fibers form in plant cells undergoing mitosis?

In metaphase, spindle fibers grow and attach to chromosomes. In anaphase, they pull the chromosomes apart. In telephase, they disappear.

The first phase of mitosis is?

called prophase. During prophase, the nuclear membrane breaks down and the chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes. The centrosomes begin to move to opposite ends of the cell, and spindle fibers start to form.

Solidified protein fragments shaped like the tubules in which they form are?

nephroliths is not the answer.Protein solidifies in the nephron tubules and forms solid masses that take the shape of the tubules in which they develop. These masses are called "CAST"Cast is the answer.

What does the mitotic spindle form from?

sai ganesh