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Q: In Which English county did the peasants revolt start?
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Where did the peasants revolt start?

In 1381 the peasants revolted

When did the peasants' revolt start and end?

Starts in 1381 and ends in the summer of 1381

Did Martin Luther support the peasants in the 1524-26 Peasants War?

Martin Luther did not support the Peasant's Revolt of 1524. He never took part in the revolt and he encouranged peasants to obey their lords and nobles. The reason nobles and landlords frowned upon Martin Luther was the fact that he started the Reformation Era, one of the causes sparking the boldness in peasants to start Peasant's Revolt.

Which English Counties start with the letter R?

Renssleraer County, Richmond County & Rockland County are counties in New York State.

Why did the peasants start the peasant revolt?

The 1381 peasants revolt wasn't started by a particular person - a group of people got together because they were fed up of the unfairness and then other peasant's joined them until there were 60,000 of them! The main leader of the revolt was a man named Watt Tyler

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Why did the peasants start to disobey there lords?

They did not like how they were treating them.

Name the English county beginning with the letter p?

There are no English counties which have names that start with the letter 'P.' There are however three Unitary Districts which do have names that start with the letter 'P' and these are; Plymouth, Poole and Portsmouth.

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because their idiots

Where did the peasant's revolt of 1381 start?

London, England.