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In a criminal case it is the accuser.

In a civil case - think Judge Judy - it is the Plaintiff

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Q: In a Civil Case the party who brings a case against a Defendant is called?
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What party defends against a complaint?

In civil law, the party who is served with the papers beginning the civil action, and is defending the lawsuit is called the "defendant"; the party who brings the lawsuit is called the "plaintiff". In the strictest sense, the person in a criminal 'lawsuit' not a civil proceeding, is called a "defendant". The party, in the criminal action, who brings the lawsuit, a criminal proceeding, is called the "State". The representative for the criminal action against the is a Prosecutor. Please see the discussion page for further notions about using the word "defendant" instead of the label "accused" in a criminal proceeding.

Who were the plaitif and defendant?

the "PLAINTIFF" is the person or party that brings suit against the "DEFENDANT." The term "plaintiff" is applicable only when referring to civil lawsuits otherwise (in criminal law) the plaintiff is referred to as the "PROSECUTION."

State the name of the document used to commence a civil lawsuit against a defendant?

In the United States federal court system, the document used to initiate a civil lawsuit against a defendant is called a complaint. In the state court systems, this document is usually called a petition.

A person who files or begins a civil lawsuit is called?

A plaintiff initiates a lawsuit against a defendant.

What is the difference between the defendant and the plaintiffin civil court matters?

The plaintiff is the person or organization that INITIATES a legal action, against another person, who is called the defendant.

What is a defendant in a civil action called?


In civil cases what is the person being sued called?

Defendant. He has to defend him self against the plaintiff's accusation.

Who is the plaintiff in civil case?

The plaintiff is the person who brings or files the suit. The person who gets sued is the respondent or defendant .

What is a defendant in a civil trial often called?


Who brings action against the wrongdoer in a civil case?

The State

What are the court rules when contesting an ordinence in michigan and how are they different than criminal?

In the criminal system, it is the government that brings a case against a defendant, and in civil court, citizens can bring lawsuits against one another. ... For instance, prison is a possibility in certain criminal cases, whereas civil cases do not punish the accused with incarceration.

If the defendant in a civil suit does not respond to the charges what happens?

The plaintiff will win a by default and a judgment will be entered against the defendant. There are not laws that require a person to file an answer or to be present at the civil suit hearing.