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A video showing a person demonstrating the CPR technique

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Q: In a presentation about cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR which media element would be the most helpful?
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Is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation helpful?

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A video showing a person demonstrating how to launch a model airplane

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Hey you can find it in Presentation Evaluation Form Hope this is helpful for you.

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Kinkos would be able to help with print the presentation folders. If sizing and graphics help is needed, a graphic designer may be helpful for your presentation folders.

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Suspend judgement APEX 420

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Where can a person go to get tips on presentation topics?

A person could go get tips on presentation topics from a variety of sources. One of these such sources would be a document called Presentation Tips by the University of Washington. This document offers helpful pointers and explanations to why these pointers work.