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No, Pennsylvania has a "closed primary," meaning that in order to vote for a Presidential primary candidate, one must be registered in that particular party. See chart here: <a href="">Primary Guide</a>

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Q: In a primary election in the state of Pa can an independent voter vote for any party?
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Is Mississippi a democrat or republican state?

Because the state of Mississippi does not offer registered voter statistics by party, we must judge either from primary elections (to see how many voters their are from both parties) or from general elections. Through primary elections we conclude that Mississippi is a state dominated by the Democratic Party. In the 2007 Mississippi Governor election, the Democratic Primary had a total of about 450,000 voters compared to about 197,000 voters of the Republican Primary. Also, in the 2008 Presidential Election, the Mississippi Democratic Party Primary had a total of about 429,000 voters compared to about 145,000 voters of the Republican party. Whereas in general elections we conclude that Mississippi is a state dominated by the Republican party. In the 2008 Presidential election the Republican candidate (John McCain) received about 725,000 votes while the Democratic candidate (Barack Obama) received about 555,000 votes. The total voter turnout for the election was about 1,290,000 voters. This is significantly larger than the voter turnout for state primaries such as the primaries for the 2007 Governor election where there was a total of about 650,000 voters, which is almost half the amount of voters that voted in the presidential election. This would support the theory that the state of Mississippi has a larger voter turnout in general elections because voters do not have to vote in affiliation with a party; evidently showing how it is more likely that there are more unaffiliated or independent voters in the state of Mississippi than there are Democratic and Republican voters.Source:

If you vote republican in the primary can you vote democratic at election time in the state of California?

No. In the primaries, the voter can only vote for those candidates associated to their party affiliation. In the general election however, anyone can vote for any candidate. Those registered as IND (Independent) cannot vote at all during the primaries, but can vote in the general elections come November.

Can an independent vote in both the Democratic and Republican primaries?

So, I was interested in doing this myself. I have an answer but I can only say for sure that it's the case in New Jersey. I emailed my county clerk:"I am already a registered voter, but not affiliated with any party. My standpoints are in line with different parties on different issues; I would like to know if it is possible to have more than one party affiliation at the same time. If this is not permitted, I am curious as to whether your office can inform me of the specific law that prevents this."Here is the response:"The statue on such matters is NJSA 19:23-45. An individual may have only one party affiliation at a time.An individual can change party affiliations and can also now change from a particular party back to being unaffiliated.A unaffiliated voter can declare party affiliation at the polls on primary election day."Thus, it looks like the answer, for New Jersey at least, is No.However, there are some states that do not give their voters the option of registering with a party. See the related links for a story about this, which brought it to my attention. I don't know if you're prevented from voting in multiple primaries in these states, but regardless of which one you choose, they are open to everyone.My suggestion is that anyone coming across this suggestion whose state is not included here should email their county clerk and ask this question (you can use my email as a template) and post the answer here.

What is the cap of minimum votes a political party must secure in election to get the status of a state party as decided by the election commission of India?

The Election Commission of India raised the cap of minimum votes a political party must secure in election to get the status of a State party or maintain it further. The new minimum limit is 8 per cent of total valid votes polled in State Assembly or Lok Sabha polls

What are primaries?

A primary election is held in each state (those that don't use the "old fashioned" caucus). In the case of a presidential election, the primaries are usually held between January and June of the election year. When you vote in a primary you are ultimately voting for the presidential candidate of your choice. The primary, through a very complicated formula, selects delegates that go to your party's convention and SUPPOSED to vote for candidate you chose in the primary. The formula and rules can be mind boggling so someone else may expound on that here.

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What political party in the state of Arizona conducted a primary election?

Democratic Party.

In a primary election in the state of Ohio can an independent voter vote for any party?

In the primaries we have to declare which party we want to vote for, so you cannot vote for some democrates and some republicans!

Do we have to vote within our own party in the primary election?

That varies from state to state.

Does New Jersey uses primary election or party caucuses?

California has a modified closed primary. In this primary a voter who declines to state their affiliation may participate in any primary as long as the party allows decline to state voters

What type of primary does Illinois use?

The state of Illinois uses a closed primary election. In a closed primary election, the voter may only vote for the party they are registered with come primary day.

Is Pennsylvania an open primary state for presidential elections?

No it is closed. People may vote in a party's primary only if they are registered members of that party prior to election day. Independents cannot participate. Note that because some political parties name themselves independent, the term "non-partisan" often replaces "independent" when referring to those who are not affiliated with a political party.

Which type of election of the current republican primary election?

The current Republican primary election is a closed primary election. This means that only registered Republican voters are allowed to participate in selecting the party's nominee for the presidency.

If registered in the Independent American party can you vote for a democrat state senator?

Yes; party registration has no relationship to how you vote in a general election. In a general election, you can vote for whoever you want, no matter what your party registration.

Can you vote for republication president in primary if registered democrat in state of California?

No. You can't cross party lines. You will get the ballot in the party you are registered. If you are independent or Green Party you don't get to vote in the primary.

Can a republican voter in a primary election write-in a democratic candidate?

In most primary elections, voters are only allowed to vote for candidates from their registered party. Writing in a candidate from another party generally goes against the rules and regulations of the primary election. However, rules can vary by state, so it's important to check the specific guidelines for your state's primary election.

Which political party in the state of Arizona conducted a primary election in 2000 online through the internet?


What state had the primary election in 1903?

wisconsin had the first primary election