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No, there is not a requirement for a comma to come after the word since in a sentence.

More importantly, make sure you are being accurate when using the word since. Many people mistakenly substitute since for because, most likely due to being told to never begin a sentence with the word because.

Since indicates a passage of time:

"It has been three years since I have seen you."

Because indicates a reason:

"It has been three years since I have seen you because I moved to a different state."

Note, too, that you can rearrange that sentence so that it begins with the word because:

"Because I moved to a different state, it has been three years since I have seen you."

Many times when we're just learning the rules of grammer, our teachers tell us not to start a sentence with it because it always begins a dependent clause. As long as you complete the thought, you're OK.

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15h ago

Yes, a comma is often used after "since" to separate introductory clauses or phrases from the main clause.

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