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a phrase only ; a clause only

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Q: In a sentence what could a group of related words be that includes a subject and a predicate but no verb?
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What part of the sentence tells what the subject is or does?

The predicate is the part of the sentence that tells what the subject is or does. It typically includes the verb and any additional information about the subject's action or state.

What is the subject and predicate in the sentence- what is your name?

The subject is "name" and the predicate is "is".

What is a part of a sentence that tell something about the subject?

The predicate is the part of a sentence that provides information about the subject. It typically includes the verb and any accompanying words that describe the action or state of the subject.

States what the subject does is or has in a sentence-?

The predicate states what the subject does, is doing, or has done in a sentence.

What comprise a sentence?

A subject and a predicate.

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What is a sentence predicate?

The predicate part of the sentence tells what the subject does or has. It can also describe what the subject is or is like.

Which sentence type includes a verb that connects the subject to a word or phrase in the predicate that renames or describes the subject?

Compound sentences include a verb that connects the subject to a word or phrase in the predicate. The predicate will then rename or describe the subject.

What are the principle of constructing sentence?

A sentence is made up of two parts, a subject and a predicate. The subject is the subject of the sentence, and the predicate is the verb.

What is the predicate subject mismatchThe reason cats purr is because they feel contented?

Every sentence has a subject, what the sentence is about, and a predicate, what tells something about the subject. In this sentence, the subject is "cat" and the predicate is "content."

What is a part of a work having a subject and a predicate?

A sentence has a subject and predicate.

What is the predicate noun in the sentence The tree by the lake is an oak?

The predicate noun is oak.A predicate is the verb and all the related words that follow it (or, all the words that are not the subject of the verb). A sentence can have more than one verb and more than one complete predicate.