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6mo ago

No, in sexual reproduction genetic information comes from both parents. Each parent contributes half of their genetic material through the gametes (sperm and egg), which combine to form an offspring with a unique combination of genetic traits. This allows for genetic diversity and variation in offspring.

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Q: In a sexual reproduction does all of the genetic information have to come from one parent?
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Is it true that sexual reproduction passes information from a single parent to one offspring?

No. Sexual reproduction passes on a random half of one parent's genetic information and a random half of the other parent's genetic information. This is achieved through meiosis. You are 50% your mom and 50% your dad by genes.

Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from?

Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from the parent cell to the daughter cells. This is how some traits are transferred through the genes.

The transmission of genetic information from parents to offspring is called?

The transmission of genetic information from parent to offspring is called genetics or genetic transmission. Such genetic information includes height, eye and hair color.

How is sexual and asexual reproduction different in inherited genetic material?

Sexual reproduction is with two parents and takes one sperm and one egg cell to create one embryo. The two parents and the offspring have different genetic information. Asexual reproduction is with one parent and both the parent and the offspring have the same genetic information, duh.

Why does sexual reproduction provide more opportunities for genetic variation than sexual reproduction?

In sexual reproduction, offspring are not identical to either parent.

Which mode of reproduction produces offspring that is genetically unique?

Sexual reproduction

Which statement best describes this pattern of reproduction?

All genetic material comes from one parent

In what way is conjunction a primitive from of sexual reproduction?

Conjugation is a primitive form of sexual reproduction since two parent cells are involved.

Why meiosis provides genetic variation?

Sexual reproduction (using meiosis) provides genetic variation because the two parent's traits are combined. With asexual reproduction, the parent gene is just duplicated.

What type of reproduction produce fungi that are different from either parents?

the correct answer is "sexual" reproduction. Sexual Reproduction leads to genetic variation which would therefore cause the offspring to look different from the parent.

Does sexual reproduction result in more genetic variation in a species than asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction results in offspring which are genetically the same as the parent organism (not counting a rare mutation). Sexual reproduction produces a random mixture of the genetics derived from both parents.In sexual reproduction, offspring are not identical to either parent.

What happens to the genetic material from each parent before sexual reproduction can occur?

each parent must reduce his/her genetic material by half in a process called meiosis.