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Q: In a typical cell membrane phospholipids arrange themselves to form a what?
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What are three components of a typical eukaryotic?

The three main components of a eukaryotic cell is the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The plasma membrane consists of proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

What are not covered by a membrane?

a typical animal cell

What is the charge on the inside membrane during the resting membrane potential?

The resting membrane potential of a typical neuron is around -65mV

Which of the following statements about a typical plasma membrane is correct?

The Correct Answer: The sides of the plasma membrane that face the cytoplasm and the outside of the cell have different lipid and protein composition.

What is the definition of animalcell?

Animal cells are typical of the eukaryotic cell, enclosed by a plasma membrane. It contains a membrane bound nucleus and organelles.

The typical prokaryotic flagellum features what?

a complex "motor" embedded in the cell wall and plasma membrane

What makes up half the mass of a membrane?

The cell membrane plays host to a large amount of protein that is responsible for its various activities. The amount of protein differs between species and according to function, however the typical amount in a cell membrane is 50%.

What is a typical reaction to change?

One typical reaction is denial, which individuals use to protect themselves. If the change never really occurs, it does not need to be addressed.

What statements about a typical plasma membrane is correct?

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Categorize the parts of a typical cell into a membrane system b genetic materials c bioenergeticbiosynthesis systems?

Secret xd by: audrey

What helps animal sperm cells move so that they can reach and egg?

There are different ways of movement and they are typical for different kinds of cells.Flagella are long, rotating protein strings with which cells can propel themselves forward. These can occur on bacteria as single, double or even multiples, and in different arrangements.Cilia are also protein structures, but unlike flagella, they make a waving motion. They are typical for bacteria, which also use them for attaching themselves (e.g. bacteria which infect the urinary tract attach themselves using cilia to protect from being washed out with the urine).Eukaryotes (amoeba, yeasts, fungi, plant and animal cells) move by membrane protrusions called 'pseudopods'. Unlike prokaryotes, they have an internal cell skeleton made of microtubules, which allows them to push their cell membrane outwards in one place, and then pull themselves towards this.

A typical bacterium cell can be described as?

B: a cell wall surrounding a plasma membrane filled with ctoplasm with circular DNA and inclusions, but no membrane bound organelles.