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That totally depends on the area. It's not a great idea to open a tattoo shop

in a small rural town your best option would be in a good sized city for customer base.

Now when you run a shop in a large city though it's much more expensive,but it is cheaper to run one in a smaller community. So the real answer is it varies where ever your located at and how much you charge per tattoo. Its not a job you can just charge by the hour it just doesn't work like that. Some months you may make two thousands dollars and then the next you make three hundred so like i said before it varies.

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15y ago

That would depend greatly on how much a given tattoo artist charges, my artist charges approximately $100.00 per hour (fairly average) and works about 60 hours a week. If you are good you can make a lot of money.

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Q: In a week how much does a tattoo artist make?
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How much money would an artist make a week?


What are the wages of a tattoo artist?

They usually make there money depending on how good they are, the shop they work In, they make a certain percentage of the total amount of tattoos they do in a day or week, they also make good money in tips.

How much do tattoo artists make in a year?

That really depends on whether you're self-employed, working for someone else's shop, and how busy you are! My father is a tattoo artist and has his own shop, though he's insanely busy and usually is booked 5-6 months ahead he gives himself a week of vacation every season

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Uhhh . . . you shouldn't be bruised from a tattoo unless the artist went too deep. You're prob going to have some blowout. But there is some initial redness and swelling at the site that should go down after a week to ten days max.

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The white scab is called secondary healing. Pretty much, it is a brand new layer of sking growing over the top of the tattoo. Because the skin is fresh and an irregular pattern to it, it will look a little funny. Do not stress about it. If you give it about a week, that layer will peel off, and under it you will have a shiny layer over the tattoo. Give that a week, and you will be fully healed up. From the sounds of it, your tattoo is healing great, but if you have any further questions, you should go to the shop where you got the tattoo to have them look at it. It is really hard to make a call on how the tattoo is healing without being able to see it.

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