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Deoxyribose sugar and thymine

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13y ago

thymine and deoxyribose

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Q: In addition to a phosphate group's a DNA nucleotide could contain?
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What functional group does a nucleotide contain?

Hydroxyl-OH Amino-NH2 Phosphate-PO4

How many phosphate groups are in one nucleotide?

One nucleotide typically contains one phosphate group.

What parts of a nucleotide make up the backbone of a nucleotide?

Pentose sugars and Phosphate groups

What makes up nucleotide?

Nucleotides are monomeric units of nucleic acids. They themselves contain three types of molecules. They contain one pentose sugar, at least one phosphate group and a nitrogen base. If the nucleotide is a monomeric unit of DNA, then it is systematically referred as deoxynuclotide. It can have any of the nitrogen base from adenine, guanine, thymine or cytosine. The pentose sugar present is deoxyriobose. In the nucleotide that are monomeric unit of RNA, thymine is replaced by another nitrogen base uracil. the petose sugar present is ribose. Nucletides can have upto three phosphate groups. Depending on number of phosphate groups present, it is nucleotide monophosphate (NMP), nucleotide diphosphate (NDP) and nucleotide triphophate (NTP).

A nucleotide may contain?

thymine and deoxyribose

What are the 3 principal components of a nucleotide?

A nucleotide is made of a nitrogen base, a five carbon sugar and one to three phosphate groups.

What are the three part of the nucleotide?

The three parts of a nucleotide is the deoxyribose, the nitrogen base, and the phosphate group.

What part of nucleotide make up the backbone of nucleic acid?

Pentose sugars and Phosphate groups

What parts of the nucleotide make up the backbone of the nucleic acid?

Pentose sugars and Phosphate groups

What part of a nucleotide makes up the backbone of a nucleic acid?

Pentose sugars and Phosphate groups

Is deoxyribose and uracil found in a DNA nucleotide?

No. Deoxyribose is the sugar in a DNA nucleotide. A DNA nucleotide would also include a phosphate group and a nitrogen base.

Phosphate groups can be esterified at any hydroxyl group on a pentose nucleotide What position is the most common?
