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Q: In an experiment to determine the effect of different brands of fertilizer on the rate of plant growth what are the independent and dependent variables?
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How do scientific tests help determine the properties of substance?

Scientific tests can help determine substances that appear similar but react differently under the same circumstances. By observing the reactions of the substance using an experiment, you can determine what that substance is made from.

How long from the from the start of the experiment was the substance heated before all of the substance turned into a liquid?

It is impossible to tell how long from the start of the experiment it was before all of the substance turned into a liquid without more information about the experiment. Perform the experiment again and use a timer to determine the length of time required to turn the substance into a liquid through heating.

Explain the experiment to determine the calorific value of fuel using dulong's formula?

computer engineers nekede dpunkman was here before u

How is a Controlled Variable used to make a test fair?

Generally scientific experiments investigate the relationships between an independent variable and one or several dependent variables.Independent variables are regulated parameters and the outcome of the experiments do not affect these variables.The dependent variables are those variables which have some sort of relationship with the independent variable and it is the investigators task to determine the nature of this relationship.Any single scientific investigation must regulate only a single independent variable with all other independent variables held constant. This is done so that the investigator can correctly attribute an outcome as being due to the regulation of a single variable. For example, suppose you started watering your potted plants with a saline solution and you also began exposing them to very intense light. If you saw that the plant leaves changed colors you would not know which variable had the greater affect on this color change. Did both variables even affect the leaf or was it due to just one variable? which one? You would have to split the investigation into two investigations, each with a single independent variable.

What materials do you need for the experiment to determine if light candles burn faster than dark candles?

A series of light colored candles and a series of dark colored candles.Matches or a lighter.A stop watch or clock.

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If a student does an experiment to determine if the temperature of the air changes the rate at which the grass grows what is the independent and dependent variables in this experiment?

dependent - the rate at which the grass grows independent - the temperature of the air

How do researchers determine which of the variables are dependent or independent?

The variable that you can manipulate in the experiment is always the independent variable. The quantity that changes as a result of your manipulation is the dependent variable.

How do you determine which variable is your independent variable and which is you dependent variable in chemistry?

The dependent variable is located on the Y axis. The independent variable is located on the X. The dependent variable changes in response to the independent variable changing, while the independent variable is the variable that is purposefully changed in an experiment. It's easy to remember -I-ndependent, -I- change.

In an experiment to determine if the type of shoes you wear affects how high can jump and which one is the independent variable dependent variable and one constant?

Independent - the type of shoe Dependent - the height of the jump Control - the person doing the jumping

What is the dependent variable in an experiment to determine whether drinking caffeinated soda increases pulse rate?

The pulse rate, since it's dependent on the quantity of caffeine, which is the changeable, independent variable.

What is the dependent variable in an experiment that shows how the volum of gas changes with changes in temperature?

VolumeThe independent variable is the one you determine, and the dependent variable is the one you measure. In this case, you choose the temperature, and measure the volume.

What does the science Dependent variable mean?

The dependent variable in a scientific experiment refers to the variable that is being measured or observed to determine the effect or relationship with the independent variable. It is called "dependent" because its value is believed to depend on the changes made to the independent variable.

What is is an independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable that the scientist changes, and the dependent variables are the variables that the scientist doesn't control. So that would mean that the independent variable is typically the variable being manipulated or changed and the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. The independent variable in a science experiment is the variable that you change on purpose. The independent variable is the variable that scientists manipulate in an experiment in order to determine its effect on a dependent variable. For example, if you wanted to see what affected frog deformities, you would set up an experiment where you would have frogs placed in the same environments as each other, except for one variable (independent) that is different. Let's say the control group gets exposed to all the same food, temperature, length of daylight, population density, etc., as the experimental group. The experimental group has the amount of UV exposure varied. The UV exposure (independent variable) would be used to determine its effects on frog deformities (dependent variable).

What is the difference between a dependant and independent variable?

a dependent variable is something that you cannot change but comes out as a result/an independent variable is something that you change in your experiment like the temperature of something or the amount of something

What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependant variable?

In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that can be altered or controlled to produce a change. The result being studied is the dependent variable, which is observed to change as the independent variable is changed.Example : In an experiment testing the effect of caffeine on reaction times, the amount of caffeine consumed is the independent variable and can be varied. The reaction times are the dependent variable, and a correlation (change in times) with the independent (amount given) is the information being sought.There are three kinds of variables. These are:Independent variable: is not affected by any effects in the experimentDependent variable: its reaction does depend on other variablesControlled variable: variable that you can control throughout the entire experimentTo put it simply, the independent variable tries to manipulate the dependent variable in an experiment.The independent variable (manipulated variable) is a variable that is changed by the experimenter. The dependent variable (responding variable) is what you are trying to determine in an experiment. My 6th grade science teacher taught us a poemThe manipulated is what you control the responding variable is your ultimate goal.

In an experiment the factor that is deliberately manipulated also called the manipulated variable?

In an experiment, a factor or condition that is deliberately manipulated in order to determine whether it causes any change in another behavior or condition is an independent variable. The factor or condition that is measured at the end of an experiment and is presumed to vary as a result of the manipulations of the independent variables is called the dependent variable.

What is the scientific meaning of respond variable?

The respond variable in an experiment is the variable that changes as a result of manipulating the experimental variable. It is more commonly called the dependent variable. For example, in an experiment designed to determine whether fertilizer will increase the growth of plants, the respond variable would be the growth of the plants.