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Q: In an invironment that undergoes frequent change species that reproduce sexually may have an advantage over species that reproduce asexually because the sexually reproducing species produce?
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What are the steps of a monkey reproducing asexually?

All monkeys reproduce sexually and none reproduce asexually.

Are insectscapable of reproducing asexually?

There are not any insects that can reproduce asexually. This is a very rear thing.

What are some advantages of reproducing asexually?

Reproducing asexually has several advantages, including being able to reproduce without a partner. Another advantage is that the offspring are probably well-adapted to the environment and have a good chance of success. This method of reproduction is also fairly speedy.

Is acteria reproducing asexual or sexual reproduction?

Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission.

When diatoms that have been reproducing asexually reach about one fourth of their size what happens to them?

reproduce sexually

How do the organisms of each phylum reproduce?

It has many ways it can reproduce. So it can reproduce sexually or asexually.

What is reproducing asexually?

Reproducing asexually is reproducing with one parent, and therefore creating two totally identical organisms. Bacteria, archaea, and a few other species reproduce asexually while plants, animals, fungi, and most protists reproduce sexually. Although plants may self-pollinate, this is not the same as asexually reproduction, because the offspring still may not be exactly like the parent because of genetics, so self-pollination is a type of sexual reproduction.

Do sponges reproduce asexually or sexually?

They reproduce Asexually

Which organisms are reproducing asexually?

There are tons of organisms that reproduce asexually. As for ANIMALS - A lot of species of fish do (some sharks partake in parthenogenesis - a type of asexual reproduction), some species of wasps, whiptail lizards, sea anemones, coral, starfish, snails. All fungi, bacteria, Archaea, Protist and amoebas reproduce asexually. Some plants are capable of reproducing asexually, such as strawberry, onions and potatoes.

Why is its advantageous for a redwood to reproduce sexually when it could reproduce asexually instead?

It increases the genetic diversity of the tree's offspring.

Why do geographical isolation is not regarded as a reproductive isolating mechanism?

Geographical isolation is not a cause of speciation in an asexually reproducing organism because the population is self-pollinating and would be less prone to the factors which results from geographical isolation.

Do all living organisms reproduce offspring?

If reproduce means producing offspring/copies of itself, then yes. If reproduce means reproducing sexually (not asexually), then no. Bacteria reproduce through asexual reproduction -- making exact copies of themselves.