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Q: In animal cells where does the energy convert ADP TO ATP come from?
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Where do many animal cells get their energy the need?

Just like any other living organism (including human), the energy that animal's cells get come from the foods they eat.

What does it mean when an animal gets its energy from food?

The food (or feed) that is digested by the animal is broken down by enzymes and converted into small molecules comprising of protein (amino acids), CHOs (energy), fats, and vitamins/minerals which get sent down the blood stream and is "fed" into the many cells that are in the animal's body to work and make the animal function normally like it does. Cells can grow tired and not work efficiently and smoothly if there was no energy from food available. Eventually the energy that the cells use to help the animal function is used up, and the energy that these cells need to keep the animal going come from within the body: first fat, then muscle, then the brain tissue. By the time the body starts to metabolize energy from the brain tissue the animal is very close to death. This is what happens to the body when it becomes starved. In order to avoid this, the animal has to keep eating to keep energy reserves stable and keep itself from going into starvation (which eventually leads to death).

Explain how things that plant or animals do are done by thework of cells?

the cells are plant cells and animal cells

Where does the energy for translocation come from?

the energy comes from respiration occurring in the mitochondria of the companion cells

Where does the energy in an energy pyramid come from?

The sun and then the primary producers which are able to convert the energy from the sun into a form that can be used to the rest of the creatures on the energy pyramid

Where does energy in an energy pyramid come from?

The sun and then the primary producers which are able to convert the energy from the sun into a form that can be used to the rest of the creatures on the energy pyramid

What is an animal cell information on it?

An animal cell is alot like plants cells, but is also very different. Animal cells are of the eurkoryotic cell. Unlike plant and fungi cells, animals DO NOT have a cell wall...... (more to come later)

Plant and animal organelles that are not common between animals and plants cells?

Organelles can only come from plant or animal cells. Your welcome(: Vacoule , Cell Wall

Do the cells below come from a plant or an animal?

i think it's because the plant cell and the animal cell are the same

Do the cells below come from a plant or a animal?

i think it's because the plant cell and the animal cell are the same

Do cells below come from a plant or an animal?

i think it's because the plant cell and the animal cell are the same

In millimetreswhat range of sizes do animal cells come in?

Between 0.01mm - 0.03mm